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Abu sa'id al khudri (R) reported that he heard the messenger of Allah saying: " whoever among you finds an evil should change it by his hand;if he is unable,then by his tongue,and if he is unable he should [atleast] deny it in his hearts;and that is the weakest degree of iman (faith)." (Muslim)

We learn from this hadith:
Enjoining good and forbidding evil is an aspect of iman.it is the religious duty of a Muslim to encourage others to do good deeds and try to stop evil.this obligation carries with it certain conditions.those who fulfill this obligation have strengthened their iman,and who do not do so,their imam is weak.
Muslims should try to stop evil according to their ability:physically when possible, and with the tongue by giving advice or admonition if he is in position to do so.
A Muslim with imam at least hates evil in his heart even when he cannot prevent it.

Evil isa always disliked by a mu'min. Acceptance of evil without dislike indicates a lack of iman.

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