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Ustadh-Nouman Ali

When you and I have a difficulty we're supposed to have patience. You don't have patience when your happy. You're supposed to have patience when your upset,when something is wrong,when something goes badly. Look at the language of Allah azza wa jal. He says congratulate the people who have patience subhanallah why? Because for a believer the attitude is entirely different. Maybe the whole ordeal,the entire trouble your going through. The goal of it all was one thing so you could have patience. Because if you can have patience,you are worthy of congratulations. We think the goal was this thing your going to get in dunya. Maybe I thought the goal was to get the job, maybe I thought the goal was to make the sale. Maybe to Allah the real goal is you were going to learn patience. That's a bigger goal than anything else subhanallah and if you got that goal you should be congratulated. Everything you get in this life is then a gift. Its not something you earned,its a gift. So when you don't have it,you realise well it wasn't mine anyway. We take our hands for granted,we take our eyes for granted,we take our nose for granted,we take our tongue for granted. The fact I am speaking before you. I take the fact that I can speak before you for granted but this tongue it doesnt belong to me. I don't pay for it,it belongs to allah so when it starts stuttering,it belongs to allah. The wisdom of the statements Allah gave us,when difficulty comes. The second statement is no doubt about it to him alone we're going to be returning. Why is that important? Because whatever problems you're having right now is not permanent whether it is money problems,health problems or family problems or its emotional problems or physical problems it doesn't matter. None of them are permanent you know why? Because YOU and I are not permanent. Recap of everything. First of all the first thing when difficulty happens. Train your tongue,train your heart that's number one. Number two - Dont say to other people that something is happening to them because of allah. Don't say this to people,do not say this to people. If you wanna say that to people before you think of anyone else,think about yourself. You don't get to decide something happened from the unseen.something happened from allah and you don't get to decide. Why did allah do this? He didn't offer his explanation to you. You dont have that license. When it comes to ourselves we have to make the distinction between the things that are out of our hands. You can't control them and the things that are within our control. We have to take our own responsibility. We have to acknowledge the fact we were the ones who messed up. We were the ones who should have done better. This is as a result of our own misbehavior.

May Allah azza wa jal make us of those who pass all of these tests and are meeting with him,with light in our chest and light coming of our right hands on the day of judgement.ameen

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