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The name "Muhammad" means 'the praised one'.when adb al muttalib gave this name to the prophet (saw),people asked him:'why do you give such a strange name to your grandson?'
And all muttalib said:'my grandson will be praised by the people of this world.'
When prophet muhammad (saw) was growing up,people recognized him as as-sadiq,the truthful,and al amin,the trustworthy.people said,abd al muttalib gave a good name to his grandson.he is worthy of the name that his grandfather gave him.'
When rasulullah (saw) started teaching Islam,the makkans became his enemies,they persecuted him,abused him and tried to hurt him in any way they could.many of them would not call him by his name,Muhammad.they felt Muhammad (saw) no longer deserved the praise of the people and therefore,they started calling him "Mudhammam".mudhammam means 'the one who is abused and despised by everyone'.whenever they would see rasulullah(saw),they would call him,saying 'o mudhammam'.
Rasulullah heard the kuffar,but he did not say anything to them.some of his friends were surprised by his patience and asked him:'why do you let the kuffar abuse you,and call you mudhammam?you are always so patient and give them no
Rasulullah (saw) smiled and said:" why should I feel angry toward them and reply to them?see how Allah turns away all their insults and curses from me to someone called mudhammam?my name is Muhammad."
The companions of rasulullah (saw) were pleased to hear this.they were amazed at how Allah had saved the honor of this prophet by making the kuffar say"mudhammam"instead of Muhammad.[Bab Asma' an-nabi,al mishkat]

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