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Death is a natural phenomenon for all living creatures.every living being is going to die some day,maybe sooner,maybe later,but it will happen to each one.Allah,the almighty says:
Every soul will taste death.then to us you will be returned.(29:57)
Death puts an end to the human body but does not destroy the soul.the soul is taken by an angel,malakul-mawt,to Allah.
If the person was good then his soul is drawn gently away from the flesh.if the person was bad the soul is ripped violently from it.
The dead person is aware of the scene around him,but he cannot communicate with living beings.the dead person hears those mourning his death,he feels himself being buried and he hears the footsteps of the people when they leave his grave.according to a hadith:
'Uthman(R) reported that when the prophet(saw)had finished burying the deceased he used to stand by the grave and say:" ask forgiveness for your brother and pray for his steadiness as he is being questioned now."(Abu dawud)
Another hadith states:
"When the body is ready and people lift it on their shoulders,of it is of a virtuous person its soul urges:"take me ahead."but if it is of wrongdoer,its soul says:'damn!where are you taking me?'its cry is heard by everything except humans.if they could hear it they would faint."(al bukhari)
The grave is the first stage of the next world.if one passes it easily,the following stages will be easier for him,but if he cannot escape it's punishment,the next stages will be more even severe.
Questioning in the grave is the first trial of the akhirah(hereafter).
After a body is burried,two angels,munkar and nakir come to the grave.the dead person comes to life and the angels ask him/her:
"Who is your lord?what is your religion?who is your prophet?"
The Muslim who has true iman gives correct answers to these questions.He says:"my lord is Allah,my religion is Islam and my prophet is Muhammad."then the grave will be expanded and a light will be placed therein and the angels will say:
"Sleep like a bridegroom till Allah raises you up on the day of resurrection."
The unbeliever fails to give correct answers to the same questions and can only say:'ah,ah,I don't know.'so the ground will be ordered to close in upon him and it will break his runs and thrust his right side into his left.he will suffer perpetual torment until Allah raises him for the final judgment.the punishment of the unbeleivers in the grave is true and is mentioned in the noble Quran and the hadith.

Muslims must believe in it and try to keep their imam strong so they can pass the first test of the akhirah.Islam teaches that when a person dies on earth he will not be REBORN until the day of resurrection. After the destruction of the present world,all mankind will be raised from the dead and resurrection is called the barzakh,or is a suspended state where time has no meaning.the state of barzakh is like that of often sleeps for hours but after awakening he feels as though he had only just closed his is the stage between this world life and next life.whoever finds safety there will have an easy time later on.

Hope my sisters and brothers enjoyed the chapter
I want you all readers to share with your family,friends,cousins,,,,,,,

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