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Prophet Muhammad (saw) delivered his farewell speech at Arafat before about 120,000 of his followers,this speech is one of the most memorable speeches in the history of Islam and is called khuthatul wadaa (the farewell address) because in it he imparted to his followers final advice and instructions.
The prophet delivered his speech sitting on his camel and his followers listened intently to every word of it.after praising and thanking Allah,the prophet (saw) said:

"O people! Listen to my words carefully,for I know not whether I will meet you again on such an occasion.
"O poeople! Just as you regard this month,this day,this city as sacred,so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Remember that you will indeed appear before Allah,and will be questioned for all your deeds and actions.
"Return the things kept with you as a trust (amanah) to their rightful owners.all dues of ribs(usury and interest) stand canceled and you will have only your capital back;Allah has forbidden ribsa and I cancel the riba payable to my uncle Abbas bin Abdul muttalib.
"O people!your wives have certain rights over you and you have certain rights over them.treat them well and be kind to them,for they are your partners and committed helpers.
"Beware of Satan,he is eahger to divert you from the worship of allah,so beware of him in matters of your religion.
"O people! Listen carefully!all beleivers are are not allowed to take anything belonging to other Muslims unless they give it to you willingly.
"O people!none is superior than the other unless he is superior in obedience to Allah. No Arab is superior to a non Arab except in piety.
"O people!reflect on my words.I leave behind two things,the Quran and my sunnah,and if you follow these,you will not fail.
"Listen to me carefully!worship Allah and offer salah,observe siyam in the month of Ramadan and give zakah.
"O people,be mindful of those who work under you.feed and clothe them as you feed and clothe yourselves.
"O people,no prophet or messenger will came after me and no new faith will emerge.
"Let those who hear me pass on my words to others and those to others again.
"Have I conveyed the message of Allah to you,o people?"asked the prophet looking toward the heaven.the audience in one voice replied,"yes,you have."
The prophet then invoked Allah to witness,saying three times:"o Allah,witness this."
As the prophet finished his speech the following revelation came to him from Allah:
"Today I have perfected your religion for you,completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as the religion."

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