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You know that child when you tell him not to do it and then ends up doing it when you're young. I remember when I was young don't do it and I end up doing it I gt smack. It depends on what mood your father is in and mom is in. The point I am trying to make is the moment you do something wrong you get punished straight away. At school when you misbehave you might get a warning or straight away punishment,Whatever the punishment is. You know what freaks me out.
Look how many times we disobey allah and yet we haven't even been punished. You disobey Allah once,twice,three,four,give times. You might live for sixty,seventy years. Every single day of your life disobeying Allah and yet haven't even received that smack. Who handles that? Your own mother and father first time,second time,third time and I assure by the fourth and fifth time your gonna cop a punishment.
Whatever the punishment is but you might be living for the last thirty,forty years. Every single day of your life you've probably been disobeying Allah not once,not twice. If you're not praying five times a day then you're disobeying Allah and you haven't copped a smack yet you haven't even seen the punishment. I've got an answer don't worry its in the quran. I want you to ponder over the beautiful words of allah. Allah (swt) says in surah fatir if Allah wanted punish his servants over every single sin they cvommit,no one will stay on the surface of the earth. Because everyone is sinner. But what does Allah says Allah delays them to the day that Allah has ordained that he'll judge.
But ask yourself ya rabb!I have been disobeying you for years and yet you haven't punished me. You know what the answer will be? O my servant I am giving you a chance to repent so repent why are you still delaying it. Repent why are you still sleeping on it? You have been disobeying me for years. Everyday of this year you disobeyed me but yet I haven't punished you. Haven't you waken up to yourself wake up! I don't wanna punish you I want you to enter paradise so repent to me. Look at the opportunities that Allah gave you. Have you thought about it? Ya Allah I have been disobeying you everyday for many years and yet you haven't punished me why??? Because allah says I am the most forgiving,most merciful. Know and acknowledge that Allah is the most forgiving and most merciful. Ask yourself that question why Allah haven't punished you? For all those sins you have committed because Allah doesn't wanna punish you. Allah wants you to repent to him that's why he has given the opportunity.

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