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Ustadh-Mufti Menk

I want to spend the moment speaking about smoking. You and I know that the whole world is going on a anti smoking drive.we are talking here about the non Muslims to begin with and then the Muslims. Non Muslims to begin with because they own the industries,the tobbaco industry and whatever else you have. They will confirm that your not allowed to sell a packet of cigarette without the writings that smoking kills or how harmful it is to the health.
You and I know that as muslimeen,this body you have is an amanah; amanah means it is a trust. Entrusted to you by Allah,he is going to take it away. He has taken it away from millions and billions before us. You look at your fingers,this fingers are going to be taken away from you. This belong to allah,he has given it to you as a trust for a short period of time. Wallahi it is your duty my brothers and sisters that you provide the best to the body that belongs to Allah.
Let's move on to a serious note the issue of smoking my brothers and sisters those who are harmed and affected by this bad habit please give it up for the sake of Allah. I am calling upon you very seriously I don't want to talk detailed rulings and so on. You and I know that the minimum said about it is that it is a very bad habit. It is waste of money,that's not something taught,that's not something Muhammad (saw) would have been proud don't just waste money in that way but you try your best to realise the value of that wealth that Allah has bestowed upon you.
Allah (swt) says Do not lead yourself into destruction with your own hands. Imagine some of the scholars use this verse even to express the ruling of prohibition something like smoking. To say your using your own hands to harm yourself,don't ever do that. This verse is clear that we need to iradicate our bad habits.

My brothers and sisters a lot has been said may Allah (swt) guide us,may he open our doors.Allah (swt) says don't kill yourself Allah is indeed merciful upon you. Don't loose hope in the mercy of allah. Don't harm yourself that results in direct death and that which may results in a slow death or that which may cause any harm to your body.

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