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Death comes to every single individual on this earth,whether he is rich or poor.some people live their life as they are going to live in this world forever.I may say even me sometimes i forget about death.dear brothers and sisters we don't know when we are going to die,we have to be prepared for it.
A drop of oceans water is the life of us in this world,and rest water of ocean is the life,we will spend in the hereafter.

To every person who disobeys Allah subhana wa ta'aala,
To every person who is heedless of their prayers,
To every person who listens to music,
To every female who freely mixes and chats to men,
To every person who lowers their soul to fulfilling desires and wasting time infront of the television,
I swear by allah there will come a day when you will be in your grave,whether you like it or will be in grave all alone,with no one beside you,no one to comfort/console you.
So what will you then say to Allah?
O you who has made Allah the last of your concern's,and do not care that Allah watches you while you sin.there will come a day when your body will be washed.

Did you ever think about the day that you will be in grave,that you will be in grave and you will be shrouded in 5 pieces of cloth.why is it these days that so many women except those whom Allah has had mercy on,dress in revealing clothes during weddings/celebrations?
The prophet Muhammad salla allaahu alayhi wassalam said
"There are two types of people in hell whom I have not seen yet.(one type is)women who are clothed yet naked,walking with an enticing gait".(sahih muslim) o allah!imagine being shrouded in 5 pieces of cloth (at the time of death)whilst you never covered your body in the dunya?this is a message to every women who did injustice to herself by revealing her body during the times of celebrations and weddings,please take heed.

When we reflect on dead branches from the tree after the leaves have fallen off.where do they end up?in the fire,used as fuel.As it is dry and not protected by leaves.similarly is the situation of females.if she reveals her body and dresses in immodest clothing.where is the quality/worth of her modesty gone?the modesty of a woman is a proof of faith in allah subhana wa ta'aala.

We are living in a time were celebrations and weddings are manifested with sins and fitaans (except those whom Allah has mercy on).I swear by Allah how many brides do we know who wore the dress of death before her wedding not let the world decieve you.this world is short no matter how great and long it seems to you.I swear by allah it is short and our days here are numbered.

To every female who plucks or shapes eyebrows
The prophet Muhammad (saw) said Allah has cursed the one who plucks her eyebrows and who plucks others eyebrow.I remind you to fear Allah,do not earn money from prohibited sources.Being cursed by Allah means being far and distant from the mercy of Allah subhana wa ta'aala.Allah curses the women who has hair extensions and does it for others.

My dear sisters I swear by Allah I am speaking from my heart that feels concern for you,I swear by Allah I am worried for you.we need to follow from the female companions,from the good doers.even clothes are a form of worship!when you dress in modest clothing I swear by Allah it is worship.when you wear a modest clothing,you are in a constant state of worship to Allah from the moment you leave your house to the moment you for a female who reveals her body,she is in a state of disobedience from the moment she leaves her house to the moment she returns. how many females apply makeup for celebrations and weddings and miss maghrib and esha prayer?Take heed the shaytan may become attracted to you.

The prophet Muhammad (saw) said
"If a women puts on perfume and passes by men so that they can smell her fragrance,then she is an adulteress"(sahih tirmidhi).
Be careful not to fall into what was warned about in that hadith without being aware.
In all truthfulness,we are also being tested with social media except those whom Allah has saved with females,who display themselves through Kik,Instagram,twitter......interacting with men in private chats without caring and using a false username.
Do you not fear the one who prevails over his creation,subhana was ta'aala?
Have you not heard the words of allah?
"Does he not knows that Allah sees"?(Quran 96:14)
Allah sees you,o female servants of shy of Allah subhana wa ta'aala.
You put your body on display,while you hide your face so that no one may identify you but know that Allah subhana was ta'aala sees and knows you.
How many girls used to display their body while chatting on social media and Allah took many of thems soul while they were showing their bodies to dear sisters be careful of the social media and of the men who want to see you unlawfully.

To everyone who commit sins therein I remind you that the door of repentence is open,Take this glad tiding.
Take this daya,indeed Allah is most forgiving,to those who repents and turno him he says"o my servants who have transgressed against themselves by sinning,do not despair"
Subhanallah do not despair of the mercy of allah.indeed Allah forgives all sins,no matter what it is,big or small.

So come and rush to repentance and rush to allah,rush and come back to respectful clothing,rush back to abaya and your hijab,rush back to your modesty and shy to Allah subhana wa ta'aala and receive glad tidings for dunya and akhirah (worldly and after life)rush to repentance,rush to humble yourself in front of allah,rush to establish prayer on time.
And I ask Allah to make me and you all from amongst the one who enter paradise (ameen)

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