Chapter 3

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Sun streamed through the crack in the curtains and the sound of birds chirping added to the efficiency of the alarm clock. Today was different. Today he genuinely wanted to get up. THAT was odd for Jungkook. Getting up usually meant having to see and suffer Junghyun, face hours of mindlessly boring classwork, and friends who didn't care. But not today. He was going to start again. Wipe the slate clean, turn over a new leaf. He didn't care what that leaf looked like though, as long as BTS liked it. That was all that mattered for now.

There had always been a type of person that Jungkook wanted to be more than anything. He wanted to be popular. Not popular as in totally full of himself and viewed by the uncool kids as a twat, but the popular where everyone likes you and is willing to hang around with you, the popular where everyone is your friend. That was what he wanted to be, but no matter how hard he'd tried, he just couldn't make himself sociable. He was determined to change that as soon as he entered this new school.

He grabbed his uniform off the dresser and swiftly changed into it, modifying it the way he'd tested in the mirror. Satisfied that he looked cool, he grabbed his school bag and headed downstairs. Just as he was eating breakfast, a text came through. He opened it and smiled when he realised it was from Mark.

Morning! Hope you're getting ready for school! See you there, kid 😉

Jungkook laughed out loud and was sent a stare from his brother who was stood in the doorway, having just come downstairs.

"What are you laughing at so early in the morning?" Junghyun yawned grouchily, making his way over to the fridge.

"Nothing," Jungkook shrugged. "Aren't you going to be late?" He looked at his watch and frowned. Junghyun was supposed to be at work for 8.30. It was now 8.15, meaning Jungkook had ten minutes until he had to start walking.

Junghyun shook his head. "I'm on a later shift today," he sighed slamming the fridge shut. Having taken the bowl of leftovers from last night, Junghyun traipsed back up the stairs to his bedroom, or "pit" as their mum liked to call it. How glad she was that Jungkook was tidier.

Jungkook tried to enjoy the walk to school, but he was just too nervous. He was scared too. Scared of being judged by everyone straight away. He was desperate to make some friends and to complete his task. Maybe then, the Superintendent would offer him a job like he did for Mark.

He was pulled from his thoughts by the appearance of a boy next to him in the same uniform. The boy was looking at him with a smile. His uniform seemed neat and clean and his face was the friendly type.

"Hi," the boy said and stuck his hand up in a small waving gesture. "Are you new? I haven't seen you before."

Jungkook nodded, then he remembered. Be outgoing. "Hi! Yeah, I'm new. I'm Jeon Jungkook," he grinned.

"Ah," the boy nodded too. "I'm Kim Yugyeom. Nice to meet you. What grade and class are you in?"

"I don't know about class, but I'm in second grade," Jungkook answered. Mark had said to go to reception as soon as he got to school. "Could you tell me where the reception is, when we get there?"

Yugyeom grinned. "Of course! I'll take you there. I think someone will probably take you on a tour of the school. I don't know who though. I'm in your year too by the way, so yay!"

A few minutes later, a cute boy with coloured streaks in his hair joined them. His uniform was slightly messy and his backpack had quite obviously been coloured in in places, as had his earphones which hung down his blazer, only one ear in use.

"Morning!" the boy greeted Yugyeom. "Who's this?"

Jungkook smiled at the colourful boy. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you."

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