Chapter 2

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"Jungkook!" He heard his mum yell from downstairs just before the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" He shouted back, shoving the file under his pillow and clambering down the stairs where he saw his mum opening the door to reveal a smart yet casually dressed Mark.

"Hello," he said and was ushered inside by his excited eomma. "I'm Yi En Tuan. It's nice to meet you, Mrs Jeon." He bowed 45° and Mrs Jeon smiled and did the same. Yi En? Jungkook thought confusedly. Ah, a different name, he forgot to mention that.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Tuan," she said smoothly and showed him through to the kitchen/dining room. He winked at Jungkook over his shoulder and the boy couldn't help but smile.

When Junghyun ventured downstairs he stopped stock still in the doorway and stared at Mark, measuring him up. He walked over to Jungkook and hissed in his ear, "And who is this? Your boyfriend?"

Jungkook scowled at his brother. "I told you I'm not gay, you twat. It's Mr Tuan. He's from the boys school."

Junghyun's eyebrows shot up. "Why is he here?"

Jungkook smirked. "I happen to have a shortcut scholarship."

Junghyun's eyes glistened with rage and envy. "How the hell did you manage to get that with this?" He whispered harshly and flicked Jungkook on the forehead.

"Oww, hyung~!" Jungkook squealed just as Junghyun pulled his hand up to do it again and he brought his own up to hit his hyung.

Mark's head snapped round from his conversation to see Jungkook being victimised by his brother. "Jungkook, would you come join us a moment?" He suggested to end the situation. Jungkook happily obliged, sending a muttered curse back to his hyung who scoffed and headed back towards the door saying, "Call me when dinner's ready, Eom- hey!" He was cut off as a hand grabbed his collar.

"It's ready now, Junghyun, so don't disappear. And you didn't even greet our guest, how rude!" Mrs Jeon scolded.

"Ah, it's quite alright, Mrs Jeon." Mark said, sensing that the elder Jeon child's dislike towards him was growing with everything said.

"No it's not. This is my elder son, Jeon Junghyun," she pushed him forward into a bow, during which he rolled his eyes and scowled.

"That hurts, Eomma," he growled and pushed himself out of her grasp.

Mark bowed back courteously. "I'm Yi En Tuan of Sejong Boys Public High School, nice to meet you Jeon Junghyun."

Junghyun 'hmm'-ed, rather childishly for a man of 22, in reply and took his seat at the table where he usually sat opposite Jungkook. He hardly heard his mother apologising for his rudeness because his eardrums were pounding so loud with rage.

As Jungkook was about to sit down in his seat, his mother stopped him. She had apparently wisely switched his seat, wanting this meal to go off without a kick fest under the table between the immature brothers. She knew them too well. She steered him to the seat next to his usual one and told Mark to sit next to him. She brought the plates of food over and sat down next to Junghyun.

They tucked in, Jungkook wolfing his down. He looked up to find everyone staring at him. He grinned. "It's a good meal, Eomma!" They all laughed at him except Junghyun who glared at him with contempt.

Mark and his mum discussed the plans for his education whilst eating, meaning they were slower than Jungkook and Junghyun.

"I'm going upstairs until dessert is ready," Junghyun stated, pushing his chair back.

Mrs Jeon sighed. "Don't put earphones in or you'll miss my shout."

He ignored her and left the kitchen.

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