Chapter 29

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"I'm telling you, guys, Jungkook saved my ass yesterday!" Taehyung was telling the group at break whilst the maknae was with BamBam, Yugyeom and Junior.

The members were all a little confused. Taehyung had come in stating that he'd done a little pre-mission job for the Boss the night before and that he'd taken Jungkook. To say Hoseok and Jimin were annoyed was an understatement, but both for different reasons. Hoseok was annoyed that Taehyung had endangered his best friend, and Jimin was annoyed that his best friend had taken Jungkook on a mission and not told him. He was jealous, basically.

"So what the hell were you thinking by taking Jungkook with you?" Namjoon demanded, also annoyed that Taehyung would jeopardise the job by taking the new and inexperienced member with him.

"He was useful! What are you all so angry about? I thought you'd be pleased that I'm training him up and including him?!" Taehyung exclaimed, standing up and crossing his arms.

"I'm not," Jimin huffed and looked away like a spoilt child holding a grudge.

Yoongi shook his head. "He's too inexperienced, Tae."

Seokjin frowned. "Explain to me. What was the job and how was he useful?"

"Well," Taehyung started, sitting down again having calmed down. "I had to deliver a letter to the prisoner, Hitman Bang, and obviously, that was going to be difficult. But I only saw Jungkook to give him some money I owed him. I happened to tell him where I was going - which I had no actual plan for - and he offered to help me out. Said he had a contact and could get us in to see the prisoner AND make it easy to give the letter over! Winner, right?"

The others obviously didn't agree.

"And you just trusted him without a second thought? Who is his contact, Tae? Did you not stop to think about that?" Yoongi shook his head disappointedly.

Taehyung was silent for a while. "I trust him," he said finally. "I don't know why and I know I'm stupid, but I really needed a way into that prison and he provided me with one. It worked out."

Seokjin was again quiet. It seemed he was quieter than ever since Jungkook joined the group. But something just hadn't sat right with him about everything the new maknae did. Everything seemed... fixed? It sounded weird even thinking it. He felt like the boy was an innocent. Everything he knew about him seemed to point to Jungkook not knowing certain important pieces of information that Seokjin himself had managed to work out. He had this feeling in his gut that soon something was going to happen. He didn't know for sure, but it felt bad. Things kept happening in quick succession. Realising where he'd seen Jungkook's brother before, seeing Ken was in Seoul, and now he had seen on Instagram that Taemin was coming to Seoul too? Even just for a school field trip, which Taemin had written that it was on his post, made it dangerous for him and, indeed, for all of the BTS members.

And now, he had to wonder who Jungkook's contact inside the police HQ was. There were so many problems for the group that only he knew about. He had to wonder how all this was going to pan out. Maybe everything would smooth itself out and he wouldn't need to do anything, but knowing his current luck and the quick succession of coincidences, it was all going to go wrong.

Then he thought of what Taehyung had said. He had gone to give Jungkook some money he owed? As far as he knew, the only free cash Taehyung had was that money he'd promised to give to someone who wasn't his family. But why would he have given that money, made in the warehouse mission, to Jungkook? If it was Junghyun who had used the earpieces as they'd said it was, then why would it be for Jungkook?

The communication breach. It made sense. Taehyung was a decent liar and now it seemed that Jungkook was too. If it was Jungkook who had listened in on them then he wasn't the innocent that they all thought he was. And he must have been the one to cause the communication breach and help Taehyung through his earpiece. That explained how Taehyung got out of there without being seen. But this just raised so many questions about both him and Taehyung!

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