Chapter 16

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"Who are you?!"

Jungkook looked down, feigning shame. "I found it. Yesterday. In Junghyun's room. I wanted to try it out, so I did and then I overheard you guys talking. Namjoon was talking about tracing a device. You guys aren't normal students, are you?"

Taehyung didn't answer.

"I found a file on Junghyun's computer. It was a video of some guys in a warehouse in balaclavas. They were stealing drugs. Then I found a sound file and I realised. It was you guys. You have no idea how shocked I was that people like Hoseok and Seokjin could do that sort of thing. I didn't know what to think. So I wanted to find out why you did it."

Still, Taehyung said nothing. Just stared at him.

"You're mad at me, right? Of course you are. But are you going to leave? Will you tell the others?" Jungkook asked, only half feigning the worry. He was indeed nervous of how things would play out. Not everything would go according to plan and he knew that.

Taehyung sighed and shook his head. "I'm not mad, as such. And I can't leave. We have to talk about this. But we will have to tell the others this. I'm in enough trouble as it is. I can't keep any more secrets from them." When he saw Jungkook's face he relaxed a little. "I'm sorry, but you've endangered yourself by listening in," he stood up. "And I know what you just told me is a total lie, but for your sake I will overlook it."

"For my sake?" Did Taehyung actually care about him? Well, he had defended him against Junghyun. That meant something, surely?

"Our boss knows about you or your brother - whoever did it. I'll just say it's your brother. The Boss knows he followed us to the warehouse and he wants him silenced. In his terms, that means dead. Whether it's you or your brother... I don't know how we can protect you."

Jungkook dropped to his knees next to Taehyung's feet. "Please. Tell them it was me," he looked up into Taehyung's widened eyes. "I'll take it. I want to protect my family. But I don't want to die, please help me!" He grabbed Taehyung's hands and was surprised when he didn't pull away.

"Calm down, Kook. Nothing will happen to you or your asshole of a brother. I promise - but God knows why you'd want to protect that asshole."
"Like I said: he wasn't always an asshole," he looked away sadly, remembering back to when Junghyun was the older brother he adored.

"Well, I have an idea. It's risky, and I don't think you're ready for it, but it's all we've got," Taehyung admitted slowly, still thinking it through.

Jungkook crossed his toes in the hopes that he was thinking the same thing. "Anything! I'll do it!"

"Hold on, you don't even know what it is yet!" Taehyung smiled a little, but little did he know, Jungkook knew what was coming.

"It's better than death, right?"

"That all depends," Taehyung shrugged. "But for you, probably. You're going to join the gang."


The next day, at break, Jungkook gave an excuse to Yugyeom, Junior and BamBam - who swore they had a shortlist of girlfriends lined up - and followed Taehyung to the music room where, like yesterday, Namjoon had the laptop on his lap and Yoongi was sat close by on the piano, although today Jimin didn't appear to be in the room. When they saw Jungkook they all looked a little surprised. After all, he usually only spent lunch with them.

"Hey, Kookie!" Hoseok launched himself at his best friend and gripped him in a bear hug. Jungkook took the opportunity to squeeze him tightly, wondering how Hoseok would react to what they were about to say.

Taehyung placed a hand on his shoulder and he nodded, breaking his hug with Hoseok and stepping back.

"Guys. There's something you need to know," Taehyung started, not thrilled at being the one to have to break the news. "The Z34 device-"

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