Chapter 5

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Mark had taken him back to school after the question in the car, but he'd quickly managed to wipe away the tension and began joking around again. By the time they arrived, Jungkook was sorry he'd acted so dark when he knew his friend didn't mean to bring up the memories.

With ten minutes left of lunch, Jungkook slid the bolt forward on the cubicle door, locking himself in, and unzipped his bag. He took a seat on the lid of the toilet and pulled out the laptop and the Z34 earpiece Jackson had given him. He slid the earpiece in his ear using the mirror in his blazer pocket and flicked the tiny switch adjusting the radius so that he could hear only about a metre or so away. Immediately he noticed a difference. He could hear what the guys at the sinks were saying very clearly and wondered if they could hear the sound coming from his earpiece, so he took it out to check. Amazingly, he heard nothing until he put it back in. It was awesome. He encountered a problem when the door slammed, but found that the volume began to change to suit the sounds around him.

Having spent two minutes internally laughing at the conversion of the people by the sinks, he turned on the laptop. On the home screen there was a large widget which he didn't hesitate to open. It seemed to be in the format of some kind of chatroom. Along the side there were buttons for contact memory, saved messages and calls and history.

He watched as messages occasionally popped up on the screen, but there weren't many and were all uninteresting. It was lunchtime and there were better things to be doing than texting friends you could actually see. Just as he was reading about some guy boasting about his new girlfriend, the door opened again and two guys entered. One had a very low voice which was easily recognisable, despite only having heard it only once or twice.

Taehyung. The guy with him must be Jimin. The two seemed inseparable, although it could simply be that Taehyung couldn't shake Jimin off, but that sounded cruel even in his head.

"By the way, did you know that Seokjin and Hoseok invited the new kid out to karaoke tonight?" He heard Jimin ask. This got his attention and he concentrated completely on the conversation.

"No, why would they do that?" Taehyung replied, almost whispering and sounding confused.

"I don't know. Hoseok seemed to be very friendly with him though. You don't think...?" Jimin trailed off uncertainly.

The tap turned on. "No. It wouldn't be worth the trouble. It's probably as it looks, he's a new friend," Taehyung tried to convince Jimin, but he didn't sound so sure himself.

"Hmm. Have you got it off yet anyway?" Jimin whined impatiently.

"Shut up Jimin. Ink is hell to shift..." Taehyung growled. Interesting. Even Jimin, who looked like his best friend, suffered from his apparent personality issues.

Jungkook heard the tap running and Taehyung occasionally grunting in frustration even though the conversation had stopped.

Jimin sighed. "Won't that do, Taehyung? You can barely notice it."

The tap turned off. "Let's go then."


Neither Jimin nor Taehyung had had any lessons with him after lunch and after the bell went for the end of the day, Jungkook found himself waiting for Mark's class to leave.

When the students had filed out and left his line of sight, Jungkook entered the classroom and closed the door behind him as quietly as he could.

"Had fun?" Jungkook grinned, seeing Mark massaging his temples. The elder jumped when he heard the younger's voice before letting out a relieved sigh.

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