Chapter 21

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The beeping of the alarm awoke Jungkook at precisely nine thirty. He squinted at the sunlight coming through the curtains and groaned. He'd had a late night after going out with BamBam, Yugyeom and Junior to MacDonald's and then gaming at Yugyeom's house. He'd only left at ten o'clock meaning that, due to homework, he didn't get to bed until about midnight. That made him very tired when he woke up. Not exactly the best condition for training. He had half an hour to get ready.

After pulling on some black shorts and a white shirt, he grabbed his trainers from his wardrobe and headed downstairs for breakfast. It was no surprise that Junghyun wasn't up yet. He didn't work until the afternoon on Saturdays. He sat quietly eating his cereal whilst scrolling through his phone. Suddenly, out of curiosity, he searched up the name Krystal Jung on Instagram and clicked on the top result, not expecting it to be the one he was looking for. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw that she had tagged an @7_luhan_m in a recent photograph. It was of the two of them standing on a balcony overlooking a city with glasses of champagne in their hands. According to her bio, she was a model and Luhan was soon to be her husband. As he scrolled further down the page, his eyes widened. Her sister was Jessica Jung?! He had seen her on TV before and knew she was some kind of model/singer. Damn she had connections. He then checked out Luhan's page but didn't get time to look at more than two photos of the old EXO, minus Kai and D.O because suddenly the doorbell rang.

He picked up his bowl and dumped it by the sink before grabbing his stuff and opening the door to Hoseok.

"Hey, Kookie! Ready to go?" His friend was practically bouncing and raring to go.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm ready." He let Hoseok lead him down the drive towards the waiting car, a shiny black BMW. He almost wolf whistled, doubly so when he saw Taehyung in the driver's seat looking bored. He was always hot.

Hoseok climbed in the front next to Taehyung and Jungkook sat in the back by himself. The ride was quiet until Hoseok turned the radio on.

Taehyung sighed loudly when he did so and Hoseok frowned. "What, Taehyung?"

"I was enjoying the silence," he said flatly and turned the radio off again.

"Why are you like this?" Hoseok asked in a despairing voice before swivelling to look out the window with his arms crossed.

In the back, Jungkook smiled to himself at their altercation.

They arrived at a large bungalow on the edge of the city close to some fields after about half an hour. Upon unlocking the double doors, Jungkook saw that the whole of the inside was a training facility. They walked through a small hall to a door on the left where a gymnasium was set out. There were padded mats piled up along the walls and various pieces of equipment scattered around.

"The Boss owns this place. We don't use it much anymore but BAP do. They like to stay fit to keep their rough image," Hoseok explained whilst Taehyung went ahead to turn on the lights and set out the mats.

"I suppose I'll try to teach you first then," Taehyung said, making his way over to the other two having set up the floor. "Are you ready, maknae?"

Jungkook nodded and followed him to the ring. As soon as he was up in the ring of mats waiting for his first instruction, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and doubled up, falling to the mat.

"Taehyung!" Came the yell from Hoseok who was watching at the side.

Taehyung shrugged. "Lesson number one: Expect the unexpected. Always be on your guard," he just watched as Jungkook staggered to his feet, pain still etched onto his face and clutching his stomach. "You can't lose concentration for one second. One second is all it takes for your opponent to gain the upper hand."

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