Chapter 10

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Having woken before the younger, Mark decided to make breakfast and coffee to wake them both up a bit. The alarm clock would wake Jungkook up soon enough anyway.

He didn't know whether Jungkook wanted cereal or a Full English but he felt lazy so he just brought the cereals out of the cupboard and spread them on the table next to a bowl so he could choose what he wanted.

He boiled the kettle and poured the water into the mugs of coffee. Jungkook could add the milk and sugar, he didn't even know if he liked it with coffee. He only knew that he liked coffee because he'd dropped it in conversation once.

When he'd finished preparing everything, Jungkook appeared by the doorframe looking a total mess but wearing his uniform.

"Morning Kookie!" Mark tried to sound cheerful but Jungkook just yawned and waved a sluggish hand in response.

"Do I have to go to school, hyung?" Jungkook moaned, taking a seat at the table and laying his head on his hands.

"Tired?" Mark finished making his own cereal and sat down opposite the sleepy boy, poking him with his index finger.

Jungkook groaned and buried himself deeper into his arms. "Dunwannago," he whined, muffled by his sleeves.

Mark laughed and ruffled his hair. "My cute little dongsaeng!"

"Mmnotcute," Jungkook blushed a little but thankfully his face was hidden.

"Sure," Mark smirked.

Jungkook bolted out of his seat with embarrassment, although he wasn't quite sure why. He was glad Mark thought he was cute though. He made himself a bowl of cereal and sat down again.

"So," Mark began, stretching out in his chair. "Why did you help him yesterday? You know you could have got us caught."

Jungkook poked his cereal with his spoon. "I just had to. I'm his friend, I couldn't leave him. Namjoon didn't have the right equipment to help him."

Mark crossed his arms. "Since when have you been friends?"

Jungkook weighed up whether to tell him that Taehyung stayed over but came to the conclusion that he probably should.

"On Wednesday night he stayed at my house..." He revealed, watching Mark's face for a reaction.

A few different expressions crossed Mark's face. The first was confusion, then annoyance, then finally resignation.

"Why didn't you tell me? You're supposed to tell me everything! I have to write everything in my report. Plus friends tell each other everything, right?"

Jungkook looked down. "Stop making me feel guilty, hyung."

"Sorry," Mark smiled apologetically. "I guess it slipped your mind, huh? Anyway. You can tell me tomorrow night. It'll give us something to talk about. Still, at least you're getting somewhere. And now we have the evidence from last night too. I got pictures and voice recording."

"About that... I don't want to give that to Mr Im until we have to. I want to get the boss first," Jungkook dropped his spoon and looked Mark in the eye.

Mark sighed and ran a hand through his hair, debating what to do. Finally, after about a minute, he nodded.

"Okay. I'll keep it from him until we have the boss, provided we get him soon."

Jungkook grinned and leapt out of the chair to throw his arms around the older. "Thank you hyung! Thank you!"

Mark chuckled and hugged him back. "See, this is why you're cute!"

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