Chapter 6

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"So you won't be hanging out with us at lunch?" Yugyeom asked at break.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, sorry."

"What for?" Junior shook his head. "You're making new friends- popular ones at that! We're happy for you!"

"Thanks guys, you're the best!" Jungkook grinned happily, although he'd noticed that BamBam had stayed unusually silent during the brief exchange. He should probably ask him what was wrong, but didn't think he'd answer whilst everyone was there so he held back.

"Oh yeah! I'm staying behind after school to catch up on the chemistry notes I slept through," Yugyeom informed them. "So I can't walk home with you today, Bam."

BamBam nodded, his attention once again on the conversation. "How do you get home, Jungkook? It's weird, I mean you walk with us in the morning and you always leave class at the same time, yet we don't see you," he frowned, sweeping his colourful bangs out of the way.

Jungkook faltered for a second before coming up with an answer. "My brother's friend picks me up on the way back from work. But seeing as you'll be alone today Bam, do you want some company?" He offered, feeling bad for his friend and at the same time sensing an opportunity to ask about his earlier silence.

BamBam raised his eyebrows. "You'd ditch a lift for me? Wow, thanks Jungkook," he smiled gratefully.

Under the table, Jungkook typed a quick text to Mark telling him not to wait up after school, but then deleted it, figuring he could just go and find him. He made the toilet excuse and left the bench. As usual, Mark was in his classroom, but he was eating a packet of crisps and was watching a TV show on YouTube on his computer when he walked in.

As soon as he heard the door close, Mark jumped and scrambled to turn YouTube off, but when he saw who it was that was stood with a laughing smirk on his face, he sighed in relief.

"Thank God! I thought you were another teacher!" He breathed.

"I take back what I said before, hyung. You're a lousy teacher. Aren't you supposed to mark books or something?" Jungkook queried with a grin.

Mark groaned. "I swear it's against the law for me to mark students' books without a teaching licence."

"Hyung, the illegal part is actually teaching the kids, not marking their work. And you work in the police?!"

Mark pouted. "Where's your respect, huh?" He said childishly, but in a joking way.

Jungkook laughed. "We're friends, we're not allowed to respect each other. Besides, I called you 'hyung' didn't I? Anyway, I came here to tell you that I'm walking home with BamBam today, so don't wait for me."

Mark threw a crisp in his mouth and nodded. "Kay. Want one?" He held out the packet. Salt and vinegar. He couldn't resist and took one, savouring the taste.

Jungkook looked at his watch. He'd been 'in the toilet' for over five minutes. He should probably go. "I've got to head back now. My toilet break is over!"

Mark looked confused but he didn't elaborate, instead smiling cheekily. "Bye, hyung!"

As he left he heard the elder mutter, "Weird kid," under his breath which made him smile. "Love you too, hyung" he telepathically replied with an external chuckle.

Back with the others, Junior gave him a strange look, but when Jungkook tried to ask what for with his expression, he just shook his head. He was curious, but ignored it and tried to join in the conversation which seemed to be about Yugyeom's crush on a girl from the girl's school. The boy was bright red and trying to bat away their questions, but failing.

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