Chapter 18

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He found himself looking up at the Boss. He couldn't stop his eyes from widening. He was so young! He looked only to be in his early twenties! He had close cropped dark brown hair and large eyes which were, at that moment, staring curiously into his own. His features were fairly relaxed and the only thing that unnerved Jungkook were his lips. Rather than being caught in a scowl, he wore a smile. One of smug conviction.

He waved his hand, dismissing his protectors and all three threw him looks of quiet encouragement before leaving the room. He indicated that Jungkook sit down and the boy obeyed.

Jungkook focused his eyes on everything but the Boss. He noticed that his desk was strangely tidy. It was dark, like mahogany, and neat stacks of papers sat atop it. A lamp was placed in the corner and a photo frame faced away from prying eyes and towards the intimidating young man.

"You look scared, gadget boy. Have we met before, or something?" He asked, smiling as though he'd thought it a funny thing to say.

Jungkook supposed it would have been funny if he weren't so petrified. "I'm not scared," he lied and hoped his voice hadn't shaken.

The Boss seemed satisfied. Whether he was glad he was secretly scared or glad that he was pretending not to be, Jungkook had no idea. But he was relieved he hadn't angered him.

"Here is the contract. I suppose they assigned you a job, did they?" He slid a piece of paper and a pen over the table. Jungkook skimmed his eyes over the terms. Unconditional obedience and loyalty for ten years or else his family and friends got hurt. It seemed simple enough. He signed it and pushed it back across the table.

"They told me I could alternate. Because I-I'm good with computers but they might need me for action," he cursed himself for stuttering. But the Boss's calmness was seriously unnerving.

The elder stroked his smooth chin. "Seems logical enough. Well. I don't need to explain anything to you. They'll do it. If you put my empire in jeopardy, it won't sit well with me, boy."

He gulped and nodded understandingly. The Boss pressed a button on his phone and S.Coups opened the door and stepped in to escort Jungkook out. As he was leaving, his new Boss spoke again.

"Just remember, gadget boy, if you betray me, I will find you and you won't like what I do to you."

The boy blinked and nodded again before being escorted out. That man was so unsettling.

The Boss leaned back in his chair and smiled to himself. "He won't cross me now," he smirked and turned to the photo on his desk, tracing the outline of the figure in it. "Just like you, my love."

And he laughed.


As they got back in the car, they asked him how it had been. How did the Boss seem to him.

"Unsettling," had been the first reply. "He's wasn't scary so much as unsettling."

Namjoon chuckled. "You haven't seen him mad."

"He's so young though! How can he be like that so young?"

Namjoon glanced at Seokjin who immediately looked out of the window. "No one really knows," the former shrugged, bringing his gaze back to Jungkook. "But it doesn't matter. Just do it for your family."

"Yeah..." Jungkook murmured. He stored that advice and then concentrated for the rest of the journey back, remembering the route to the warehouse so that he could use Google Maps to get an address to put in his report.


The next day at school was definitely not how Jungkook had expected it to be.

"Class, we have been joined by yet another transfer student. Come in now and introduce yourself," Teacher Ahn called to the doorway.

The Gadget Boy (JJK x KTH)Where stories live. Discover now