Epilogue ~ Young Forever

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1 Year Later

Jungkook stuck both hands in the air in victory and shouted, "Oh yeah!" At the top of his lungs. In response was five groans and one person applauding.

"You go, Kookie! Whoop whoop!" Taehyung cheered from the sofa.

Jungkook bowed to him, karaoke microphone in hand. "I thank you, the King will now take his seat." He flopped down in between Taehyung and a squished Yoongi who grumbled in response. Taehyung grabbed his boyfriend in a tight hug and planted a bunch of kisses on his face.

"Ugh," Yoongi groaned, covering his eyes. "When's the fucking wedding? Remind me not to go."

The members all laughed at him except for Jungkook who whined and whacked him with a cushion. Taehyung just grinned and stuck a hand in his pocket to check that the velvet box containing upgraded rings was still there ready to be whipped out when Jungkook was crowned Karaoke King after everyone else's turn. He tightened his grip around Jungkook's waist and imagined the look on his face when he proposed.

"Hey! I've had a brainwave!" Hoseok exclaimed, standing up suddenly. Everyone groaned in expectation.

"Go on," Seokjin said reluctantly.

"Why don't we form an idol group?! I mean, we all have some sort of talent, right?!" He grinned, jumping up and down excitedly.

Jimin grabbed the waistband of Hoseok's trousers and pulled him back into his seat whilst everyone else laughed at him.

"Yeah, right!" Namjoon exclaimed. "As if we would be some hot idol group!"

The laughter got louder as they all imagined the incredulity of it. Hoseok huffed and folded his arms. "Fine then, I guess we'll never know!"

Taehyung and Jungkook turned to each other with a grin and rolled their eyes. "Honestly," Jungkook chuckled. "Hoseok and his ideas!"


Meanwhile, 200 miles away in Busan, another reunion was taking place. In a fancy mansion belonging to Krystal's parents, EXO were having a reunion. Obviously, Kyungsoo was not there, but he was buried nearby and they had all visited his grave and left flowers at Junghyun's insistence earlier on. Now they were all crowded around a large table with champagne glasses for everyone and the additional company of Krystal and Taemin, who had been elevated to boyfriend position - his dream come true.

"We all feel awful for not going straight to the hospital that day, Kai!" Chanyeol called from down the table. "But we didn't know what had happened until it was too late."

The others mumbled sad agreement but Junghyun just chuckled. "Guys, it's nothing. I should apologise for running away like I did and not facing up to Kyungsoo when I should have. Let's just forget about all that and be happy that we're all together again! Okay?" He raised his glass and toasted, "To EXO and friends! Long may our friendship last!"

"To EXO and friends!" Came the chorus in reply.

"And I'd just like to add my sincerest congratulations to Krystal and Luhan on setting a date for the wedding. I'm so happy for the both of you! Cheers!"

Another chorus ensued and the chatter resumed. Junghyun turned to Taemin who was sat to his right and kissed him quickly on the lips, holding his hand on top of the table. "Thank you for arranging all this, Taemin-ah. Best boyfriend ever."



I hope you enjoyed the story - those of you who made it to the end without getting too bored xD

I almost cried with happiness when I finished this today 

Please tell me what you thought of it xxx

Jae xoxo


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