Chapter 25

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"So will you help me or do I have to tell everyone your secret?" Taehyung asked. They were stood in the corridor by the door back into the club and the music was still really loud.

"I'll help you. But... can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked tentatively.

At the elder's hesitant nod he continued. "Are you... disgusted? You know, at me?"

For the first time in a while, Taehyung actually stopped and looked properly at Jungkook and his eyes weren't stony. They were softer and warmer and held a glint of something else. Sympathy, maybe? But almost as soon as it had appeared, it was gone. His reply was just a shrug and he looked away from the younger. "Your brother warned me," he started. "I think I knew since then. And as long as you help me I don't care if you're rodgering Donald Trump."

A smile ghosted over Jungkook's face, but it faded as the door closed behind Taehyung who'd gone back out into the club. "He hates me," he concluded dramatically with a sigh. "And now they're both blackmailing me. Great."

Wait... Taehyung had defended him from Junghyun after that... And he'd lied then about his sexuality as well. So why was it only since seeing the photos that he was acting off with him?

Feeling boredly spontaneous back at a seat in the hall of the club, he pulled his phone out of his jeans and texted BamBam.

To: BamBam

Are you free after school tomorrow? I was wondering if Shownu and his friends were free to meet up with us all? I liked them and we haven't hung out enough lately (my fault, I'm very sorry) :)

Not really expecting a reply, he decided to go up to the bar to order a drink. Taehyung was sat up there so he tried to distance himself and sat at the opposite end, not even sparing him a glance. Whilst he was there he remembered that Yeri had slipped her number into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and typed out a casual message but he didn't send it straight away. Instead, he looked over at Taehyung to see him entertaining yet another woman. He bit his lip and looked back at the message, wondering whether he should send it or not. But seeing his crush flirting with every girl he could made him determined. He pressed the send button before he could doubt himself.

After finishing his rum and coke, he felt a hand on his shoulder and Hoseok slid into the stool next to him. "We're done! Wanna dance Kookie?!" He shouted over the music.

The younger grinned. "Of course! But do you want to drink first?

Hoseok ordered some shots for them and they downed them all before heading onto the dance floor. They danced with everyone until they met again in the middle and burst into a fit of laughter, dancing up against each other in the most embarrassing way they could. They stopped dancing and fell onto the chairs with exhaustion at one in the morning.

After dancing for two and a half hours with full energy, they were totally dead.

"We should probably sober up a bit," Jungkook commented, laying his head on Hoseok's shoulder, feeling like passing out.

"Yeah," the elder groaned. "All that dancing made my head spin."

They spent a while just lying there and trying to work up the strength to get up.

"It's a school night," Jungkook said. "We should go home." His head was slowly easing and he felt his senses returning to him slowly.

Hoseok pushed the younger boy's head off his shoulder and pulled himself up. "Come on," he sighed. "Let's go home."

The two left the club, still staggering drunkenly, and without Jungkook even glancing at Taehyung. If he was going to accept their predicament, he was going to do it properly and face the elder only when he had to. Besides, he was fairly sure that he and Jimin were surrounded by girls.

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