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•WonPil's POV•
When she looked at Dowoon, he looked away. After what I told him, I don't think he liked her anymore. Finally someone understood what I felt. But when she noticed, she looked at me. I kind of felt proud, so I guess I looked a little happy.
But when she saw the look on my face.. she looked sad. And then she left.
I didn't feel good anymore. Even though she was such a bad person, I didn't like making people feel sad. Actually I hated it.
- what was that?
Sungjin asked. When I turned to look at him, he was already looking at me. Oh god.
- I..don't know?
I said, trying to look innocent. Dowoon didn't say anything.
- yes you do. And this stops now. she's a good person.
He said, with his angry voice. It actually scared me a bit.
- lets go, YoungK.
He told Brian, and they both got up. Brian just looked at me disappointed, and followed Sungjin.
- what have we done?
Dowoon suddenly said. I turned to him, and he looked so ashamed.
And I understood. Because so was I.

I hate you Kwon Siyeon. You're ruining everything again.

•Siyeon's POV•
After my failed attempt to have lunch, I went back to the JYP building.
I showed my ID card to the guard, and gave him a rude look. I wasn't really mad. But I was tired and sad. And it always made me feel mad, even if I weren't. Why did he constantly make me feel this way? Why was I not entitled to a second chance in life? Why did everyone else get to live their dream except me?

I got to my office, and started packing all my stuff. I wanted to quit. After I was done, I sat down on one of the couches, and cried.
Why am I suddenly so weak? I had always been mentally strong. But after I started working here, I was constantly reminded of my past.

When I first left Busan, it was mainly because I wanted to follow my dream. But I also wanted to escape. My life there had gotten so bad. Nothing was right. I didn't really want to leave my mother at first. But she had her own new life. After my father and brother died, she was so ruined. But so was I. And she didn't even see me anymore. I was invisible.
Then she remarried. And got a son.
I became the daughter that reminded her of her former life. So I left. And I didn't regret it.

It really didn't help thinking about my past right now. I was sad enough as it was. So I shut it of. Just like I did when I remembered my time in high school.
Someone entered my office. I really hoped it wasn't Mr.Park. I would go to his office later and tell him I quit.
- Siyeon, are you ok?
It was YoungK.
I looked at him and tried to smile.
Sungjin was also here.
I said.
But I didn't really think they would believe me. Sungjin sat down beside me on the couch, and put his arm around me.
- it doesn't look like it.
He said.
I couldn't take it anymore, so I put my head on on his shoulder and started crying again.
- hey, don't cry. He's not worth it. and he's not going to be mean to you again.
Sungjin said, and put both his arms around me.
- Siyeon... did you get fired?
YoungK asked me.
I remembered I had put all my things in a box. Sungjin looked to where YoungK was.
- no. I was going to quit.
I almost whispered.
YoungK came over, almost running.
- please don't quit. You can't.
He said.
Why shouldn't I quit? I'm not doing a good job. And I knew they all knew that. The guards, Mr.park. The boys.
- why shouldn't I? I'm not doing a good job. I mean, half of you even hate me.
I said.
- that's not true. I know Jae doesn't hate you. He's just to proud to take help from someone he doesn't know. And Dowoon doesn't have a mean bone in him. And Wonpil is just confused...
YoungK said. He did make me feel a little better. A lot actually. Him and Sungjin.
- I don't know what I'm going to do to be honest.
I said.
I wiped my tears away, and smiled.
But then I realized how embarrassing it was to cry in front of people.
Jun would laugh his ass of when I told him.
- Don't quit.
Sungjin told me.
He had let go of me when YoungK started talking to me. I didn't mind, it wasn't really professional of me to let him hold around me.

We talked some more, and they kind of convinced me not to quit. For now.
- I just want to go home now.
I told them.
- you take the bus right? Let us drive you. I have a car.
I was to tired to care, so I said yes.

When we pulled up to my apartment, they even convinced me to let them come in for a while.
When we got inside, I could hear Jun playing video games as usual.
- before you kill me, I made rice cakes.
He shouted, making my stomach growl.
But why would I be mad at him?
- that's right, we kind of ruined your lunch.
YoungK said, and laughed.
- please make yourselves at home.
I told them, and went into the kitchen.
Jun didn't lie, he actually made rice cakes. I started stuffing my face, and then remembered that they could see me. Our kitchen was joined with our living room.
- who are these boys? Did you bring backup to get you phone back?
Jun said.
I had actually forgotten about my phone.
- wait, is that why your mystory was a little weird today?
YoungK asked me. Shit.
- give it back now Jun. I will seriously tell your mother about the g...
I started to say.
- ok fine!! Just shut up.
He told me, and handed me my phone.
YoungK and Sungjin was just standing there looking at us amused.

I offered them some food and drinks, and we sat down talking. Or me and Sungjin where talking, while YoungK was playing video games with Jun.
after a while, someone called Sungjin, so he went to the hallway to talk.
- do you like him?
Jun suddenly said to me.
- who?
I asked him. I actually had no idea what he was talking about.
- the one in the hallway obviously.
He said. YoungK had stopped playing too, and was looking at me.
- No. I work with him.
I said and rolled my eyes. YoungK looked really amused.
- why not? He's handsome. Are you still thinking about that guy from high school?
Jun asked me.
That made me so confused. Did I still like that guy from high school?
- shut up.
I told him, and went to the kitchen with the dishes. Sungjin came back into the living room.
- hey Siyeon... Wonpil wants to apologize to you. He's on the phone.
Sungjin told me.
I didn't understand. Why would he suddenly apologize to me? He hated me.
I took Sungjin's phone and put it to my ear.
- H..Hello?
I said.
- hello.. Siyeon. I want you to listen. I know who you really are. And I will ruin everything for you. Just wait.
He said.
I didn't know what to say. I couldn't think right now. But I wouldn't let him ruin me, and my dream.
- thank you for apologizing.
I said, and hung up.

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