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Today was a special day. Not just because I was going back to work.
But that was what I would be focusing on today.
Mr.Park had asked me to come straight to his office. Probably just for a quick briefing, but it was still important.

I had just gotten dressed, when I smelled something really really good.
Rice cakes.
I practically ran to the kitchen.
Jun was just casually sitting by the table with a huge pile of rice cakes and a party hat.
- Jun, No.
I said, and he removed the hat.
- can you blame me for trying?
Jun said and rolled his eyes.
- yes. Now, hand me some rice cakes.

I was making my way down the corridor of the JYP building when a swarm of boys came up to me. They looked like trainees.
- excuse me, is that you?
One of them asked me, and showed me a chat on their phone, witch had a picture of me in it.
- ahah yes that's me.
I said and giggled. I remembered what Mr.park once told me about this chat site.
- can I take a picture with you?
One of them asked. He was the smallest. He couldn't be more than 18. I felt a little weirded out by all of this.
- why?
I asked him.
- because you are the prettiest staff in this entire building!
He said excitedly. Well, this boy was cute.
- sure, why not.
I said, and gave them what they wanted.

I noticed Brian had been watching the entire thing from afar. After the boys left I hurried over to him.
- that was so weird.
I said and he laughed.
- you know, all the trainee boys still talk about you.
Brian said. Did they really? Wait, why was I here again? Oh god, the meeting!
- shit. I have to run.
I told Brian and started walking away.
- happy birthday Siyeon.
Brian said, making me turn around.
- how did you know?
I asked him. I was very good at hiding my birthday.
- good question.
He said and smirked. Then he left.

I hope nobody else would remember. I didn't want to be reminded. That I was alive, and my twin brother was dead. It wasn't my birthday, it was our birthday. And I refused to celebrate it without him.

I finally got to Mr.Parks office, just in time. I nocked on the door and went inside.
- it's been a while haven't it, miss Kwon?
Mr.Park said, as I sat down. The way he said it made me nervous.
- it has.
I said, and smiled awkwardly.
- it's too bad. I had such high hopes for you.
Mr.park said and sighed.
- wait. What do you mean?
I asked him. I suddenly got a bad feeling.
- I'm trying to say, you're fired.
He said. No. No. No no. This couldn't be happening. But, I understood. I had been a bad employee.
- sir.. I understand. And I'm sorry that I wasn't what you wanted.
I said.
- you can collect your stuff from your office.And then you can leave.
He said, and sighed again.
- yes sir...
I said, and got up from my seat. I looked at Mr.park one more time, before leaving his office.

I knew I was about to cry, so I hurried to my office.
I opened the door, and saw Jae.
- what's up?
He asked me.

I couldn't hold it in, I started bawling. Why did it have to be Jae.. I wanted to see Wonpil.
- Siyeon... what happened?
Jae said and came over to where I was standing.
- hey, you should sit down.
He said. I did what he said, sitting down on one of the couches.
- do you want to tell me what happened?
He asked me and sat down beside me.
- Mr.park fired me.
I said while crying. I just couldn't stop. My dream was crushed.
- I'm so sorry.
Jae said. Wait, why was he being so nice?
- why are you being nice to me?
I asked him.
- because, nobody deserves to be this sad.
He said.
- I don't know if I can stop crying..
I said.
- do you perhaps need Wonpil?
Jae asked me.
- what.. I don't know what you mean.
I said.
- yes you do. You're in love with him. And he's in love with you.
Jae said, and smiled.
- how..
I started saying, but Jae interrupted me.
- it's not hard to tell.
He said.
- let me help you pack your stuff. You shouldn't do that alone.

Jae helped me with my things, and then we exited my office. For the last time ever.
- Jae.. where is Wonpil?
I asked Jae. He was right, I did need Wonpil.
-oh, he went to your cute friend to help her put together some furniture.
He answered me.
- Jae, thank you for everything.

I said goodbye to Jae, and called Jun so that he would pick me up. I decided we would pick up Wonpil at Nara's place.
- Siyeon, your eyes are puffy.. did you cry?
Jun asked me as we drove.
- no... I ate rice last night.
I told him, and he just said ok. But I had the feeling he didn't believe me.
We arrived at Nara's place, and I told jun to wait in the car.
I nocked in the door, but nobody answered. Maybe the door was open.

The door was unlocked, so I entered.
I didn't find anyone.. maybe he was helping her with furniture in her room.
I was about to open the door when I heard talking. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I did it anyways.

- Siyeon doesn't have to know. I know you want me.
Ok what the hell.
I opened the door, and I wish I didn't. What I saw was worse then loosing my job.
- Siyeon.. it's not what you think. Really.
Wonpil said, and Nara laughed.
- oops, I think we got caught.
She said. I've had enough of her. I should have knows she couldn't be trusted. This is what Jun warned me about.
- Siyeon, please you have to believe me..
Wonpil said and tried to take my hand.
- shut up.
I told him, and went up to Nara.
- this is what you get for stealing Jun and all my friends.
Nara said, and smirked.
I'd had enough of her. I couldn't control myself anymore.
I punched her right in her nose.
then I ran out of her apartment.
I could hear Wonpil follow me and call my name. But I couldn't I even look at him.

I just kept running until I reached Jun's car. I got in immediately.
- Siyeon what's going on?
Jun asked me.
- how fast can you get us plane tickets to Busan?
I asked him.
- five minutes. What's going on? You look shocked.
He said, and held my hand. I guess I was shaking a little bit.
- I'll tell you on the plane. Please, let's go right now.
- ok. Let's go home and pack.

After we packed out suitcases, I called my mom.
- hello? Who is this?
My mother asked. Wow. She hadn't even saved my number.
- mom... I'm coming home.

AN: I just want to make it clear that Wonpil didn't do anything with Nara.
I don't want you to think badly of him.
Because I don't think he could ever do something like that in real life.

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