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It was Monday again, and I had work. Just not with Day6. Mr.Park just wanted me to work with the reports. And he also wanted me to join the managers of Day6 for a briefing. I was pretty nervous. What if they hated me. What if they thought I was unprofessional and not doing a good job? Lucky I had 4 hours before I had to attend.

I was just sitting in my office, working on my reports. I was getting restless. I got up from my chair, and was about to open the door, when someone opened it, nocking me over.
- holy fuck...
I said, really feeling the fall.
- oh my god I'm so sorry.
The person said. Wait, I recognize that voice.
- Chan?
I said.
- yeah... I'm sorry..
He said, and helped me up.
- I finally found your office, Siyeon!
He said.
- hey, you should call me noona.
I told him and smirked.
- I'm not a kid you know.. I'm almost 20!
He said. Wait, really?
- well, I'm 23.
I said.
- I can't call you noona.
He said.
- why not?
I asked him.
- because you're too cute.
He said, and laughed nervously. this was getting a little awkward.
- I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me on the roof.. my mother packed too much food today..
He asked me.
I won't say no to food.
- sure.
I said, and we headed for the rooftop.

We sat down on the bench, and Chan gave me a  tuna sandwich.
- woah that's my favorite!!
I said.
- I'm glad.
Chan said, and smiled.
I noticed we where sitting really close, so I moved a little away from him.
But he moved closer again. I didn't know wether to laugh or push him away.
- my mother always give me extra lunch to be honest..
He said.
- oh, you live at home?
I asked him, and he laughed.
- no... but she shows up everyday with lunch.
He answered.
- that's really nice.
I said.
- you're nice.
Chan said and smiled at me.

We spent a few more minutes on the rooftop, and then we went back to my office because Chan wanted to show me some of the songs he had recorded on his phone.
- I never knew you could sing like that!
I told him.
- it took a lot of practice, trust me.
He said.
- I think singing in general takes a lot of practice. For everyone.
I told him.
- that's really nice to say.
Chan said, and smiled widely.

I had gotten this feeling about spending time with Chan. He was so normal. I felt like we were alike.
And maybe we could be friends.
I hadn't really been "friend" friends with Day6 lately, and Inseong was always busy. And because me and Jun moved, it was harder to find the time.
I wasn't tired of Jun or anything. But he had other friends too.
I decided to make Chan my friend.

- do you ever get time off? I don't know how things work with trainees.
I asked him.
- yeah, sometimes I even get a whole day off.
Chan answered.
- cool. Maybe we could hang out some day.
I told him.
It wasn't wrong, right?
I know I'm not supposed to have any kind of relationships with anyone here.
But I decided not to follow those rules a long time ago.
- really? Of course I want to hang out with you.
He said, and smiled widely.
- don't you have to go back now?
I asked him.
We had been hanging out for an hour already.
- I kind of forgot...
he answered and laughed awkwardly.

I followed Chan outside of my office, and he had only walked a few steps away when he turned around.
Did he forget something?

What happened next made me freeze.
He walked right up to me, and kissed me before I could react to his closeness.
- oh my god..
Was all I could say.
- wait, was it bad? I can try again.
Chan said, and got closer again.
I took a step back, and I could see the disappointment in his eyes.
I felt bad for him.
Why would I feel bad? I have a boyfriend.
- you should probably go.
I told him, and quickly escaped to my office.
- fuck...
I said to myself.
How was I gonna explain this to Wonpil?

•Jae's POV•

I wasn't really sure if what I saw was real. But it was. I didn't have any problems with my sight.
I saw it with my own eyes, and it made me angry.
How could she just cheat on Wonpil like that?
How could she do that, when she suffered so much from thinking he had done the same. Leaving for two months, refusing to talk to anyone..
was this some kind of sick revenge?

I was heading for my dorm to pick up something that I forgot, and then we would travel to the venue we where going to perform live in.
All the others was waiting in the car with our manager.
And when I was passing trough the hallway, near Siyeon's office, I saw her. And some guy. Maybe a trainee. And they where definitely kissing.
How am I gonna tell Wonpil about it?

I went back to the car, and got in. I couldn't stop looking at Wonpil, feeling so bad for him.
- is everything ok?
He asked me, probably noticing my.. depressing stare.
- yeah, obviously.
I answered, and started listening to music on my phone.
- are you not even going to plug in your headphones?

After the concert, we went straight back to our dorm to order takeout.
I was still feeling like crap, so I went into my room.

- you're acting weird today.
Brian said as he entered our room.
Should I tell him what I saw? Maybe he could help me tell Wonpil.
- I saw something today...
I said.
- what did you see?
Brian asked me.
- wait... was it a ghost?
He added.
- no, stupid.
I said.
- just tell me.
He said.
- ok, but you can't tell Wonpil.
I said.
- I won't.
He answered, so I told him. Brian looked just as shocked, and then upset, like I was feeling. Obviously I wasn't feeling bad for Siyeon. I disliked her so much more now. She might have fooled everyone else. But I'm smart.
- are you serious?
Wonpil said, suddenly standing in the doorway. Shit.
We forgot to close the door..

I Wait~ Wonpil Day6Where stories live. Discover now