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It was finally Wednesday, and time to get back to work. I was so tired of not doing anything. And even though it would be difficult to work with Day6 again, I stayed positive. This is was my dream job. I wouldn't let anyone ruin it.

Today was one of those days where my outfit and looks in general was perfect. I really loved the blue suit I bought, it just fit perfectly.

I was still in my room, double checking in my mirror that my suit was straight everywhere.
Jun came into my room. Well he kind of barged in.
- I need a break.
He just said. Why? Was he tired of me and my many problems?
- from me?
I asked him.
- no, I just feel like going home. I'll probably be gone a week.
He told me. Apparently he had already packed his bags, but before he left, he curled my hair and gave me a pep talk, which I really needed before going to work. When he left, I realized that I had to take the bus to work.

After I left the apartment, I had to run to the bus. I couldn't be late today. After all, i didn't start before 2PM, so I had enough time to wake up and get ready without having to stress, but I was cursed. I always made it to work one minute before I started when I didn't get a ride from Jun. I really appreciated my work hours though . It was never too early. Mr.Park really was my dream boss. I wouldn't have imagined before I started there, that he was so understanding and nice.

When I got on the bus, everything was fine until a man that looked like he was in between 30-40 years old, grabbed my back parts. Ok he grabbed my ass. I didn't know what to do, it kind of scared me. So I just ignored it, until I finally got off the bus. I didn't really know why, but i felt tears down my cheek.
- why do I always gotta cry on work?
I said to myself, and dried my tears. I wasn't gonna let the rude security guard see me cry.
I showed him my ID, and went on, to my office.

My office was obviously locked, so I had to search through my whole bag until I found the key.

It was weird being back here. Especially because all my stuff was gone. But I found it in a box under my desk.

I remembered the last time I saw the box.


I spent the day with Brian before work that day. Jun gave us a ride to the JYP building. We got to my office, and brian looked almost nervous to go inside.. I was usually the one to be nervous.
We still entered, but didn't even remotely act like we had spent the day together.
All the boys was here now. Had they been waiting? I should probably learn to lock my office.
- hello boys. How was your day?
I asked them all, smiling. I could see Brian smiling like crazy, and Sungjin looked so sad. and to be honest the atmosphere was weird.
- your seven days are up.
Jae said. Right... but he couldn't mean I failed?
- you should just leave...
Sungjin said. Wait.... what?
Everyone was quiet now. Ok. Something was definitely wrong.
- Jae... I thought you would let me stay.
I said. My body was starting to shake a little.
- I was going to, until I learned you where a liar. We know everything about you now.
He said. Wait did he mean... that?
WonPil wasn't here.. but Dowoon was. But he was just sitting on the couch silently. Was Jae really talking about what I thought he was?
- Jae, come on. It has nothing to do with her job.
Brian said, but I still didn't understand. But whatever it was, it seemed like he was trying to defend me.

Sungjin came over to where I was standing, handing me a box. Wait. That was my stuff.
- you told me you didn't even know WonPil.. you lied to me. Just leave.
He said. Oh no. It all made sense now. WonPil had probably told them. Like I always was afraid of him doing. He finally did it.
- oh no..
I whispered, but they could probably hear me. I turned to Brian.
- did you know?
I asked him. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.
I didn't need an answer. I could see it on him. He also knew. I let go of the box, and just let it fall to the floor, and started to walk away. I wanted to go home again. And hide under my bed.

What happened that day, was still affecting me. But I had to forget. I had to leave my problems at home when I went to work. It was easier said than done.

I still had half an hour before the boys would come, so I rested my head on my desk, and soon fell asleep.

•wonpil's POV•

I was in a good mood today. Why? Because I would see Siyeon again. And now, I could finally accept that I had feelings for her. I didn't see a reason for being in denial anymore.
I want to make her smile, laugh and... be close to me. I had been thinking a lot about her lately. I had been thinking about the fact that we slept together. But now, I didn't regret it. Not in the same way as before. I did regret that we did it, but it was only because she deserved better then a one night stand. But I am going to prove that I can be that 'better'

Me and the rest of Day6, just left our dorm, heading to Siyeon's office. We got there in time, and nocked. But she didn't open the door, so Jae just opened it.

Siyeon was sleeping with her head on her desk. Nobody wanted to wake her, so we just sat down on the couches, thinking she would wake up from the noice we made. But she didn't. She was snoring, which I found really cute.

We just sat there talking, until Siyeon finally gave signs of waking up. She was mumbling, but the words became more clear. No, please stop. She said. Brian got of the couch, and went over to her. He shooked her shoulders carefully.
Siyeon kind of screamed, and fell off her chair, probably trying to get away from Brian. Had he done something to her?
- I'm sorry, I was only trying to wake you up.
Brian said, looking confused. Siyeon just looked at him, and then she got a look of realization.
-..... I was groped on the bus.
Siyeon answered Brian. I didn't know how to react. I froze. But I felt anger building inside of me. Who dared touch her??!
- you really need to rethink your excuse for lying to us.. trying to get us to feel bad for you?
Jae said to her, and rolled his eyes. Sungjin didn't even comment on it, but I knew he was agreeing with everything Jae said and had said about Siyeon. I knew that dowoon, even though he almost never said anything, really liked Siyeon. And it was obvious that Brian liked her too.

I was looking at Siyeon, to see her reaction to what Jae said. I noticed that her eyes was watery, and she was starting to have trouble breathing. We had all noticed that this would happen from time to time. When she was upset, or stressed. I knew she wouldn't want the rest of the group to see her like this. I had to come up with a plan.
- I think you drooled a bit while sleeping. Let me follow you to the bathroom to remove It.
I told her. I know it wasn't the most creative idea, but I needed to get her away from here.
Siyeon nodded immediately, and we walked out of her office. Siyeon was already heading for the bathroom, and I realized that I had to tell her that she wasn't really drooling.
- you didn't really drool. I just wanted to get you out of there.
I told her, making her turn around, and walking back to where I was standing. But not before giving me a look. Well I did my best.

I noticed that she was kind of shaking. I couldn't even imagine how she felt after being groped.
-I'm scared.
She said, and looked me in the eyes.
- it's ok, you will probably forget what happened soon.
I told her, trying to sound cheerful.
- I'm scared to be alone.
She said. I could relate to that. Without my 4 bestfriends, I would go insane. But she had Jun?
- where is Jun? Isn't he always there?
I asked her. To be honest, I was jealous of Jun. but after I realized he was cool and nice, I appreciated that he was in Siyeon's life.
- he went home to Incheon.
She said. She wasn't really shaking anymore, and I felt like she calmed down by talking to me. I used to be the one to make her sad and stressed. And I hated myself for it.

I made a decision that maybe would get me in trouble. But I couldn't let her go home today alone. I would stay with her as long as she wanted me there. I know I couldn't replace her best friend. But I could be something else. If i only could tell her.. who I wanted to be in her life..
- I won't leave you alone.

I Wait~ Wonpil Day6Where stories live. Discover now