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- this is shit.
- it's so shitty
- I'll get him back for this.

- what are you talking about? You don't like the ice cream?
Jun asked me.
- what?
I said.
- why are you cursing at your ice cream?
He asked.

I guess I was thinking out loud again.
After work, Jun decided we would go for ice cream and do some shopping in Gangnam.
- I'm not.
I said.
- wait.. are you talking about me? Is is because I called you siren?
He asked me.
Wait, what?
- When did you say that?
I asked him.
- oh right. I didn't say it to your face.
Jun said.
when he noticed the look on my face, he started running.
I dropped my ice cream on the ground, and started chasing after him. Jun wasn't really that fast. At least not faster then me.
When I reached him, I put him in a headlock. I noticed people was looking at us weirdly.
- what do you mean by a siren. I'm not!
I said, still holding him.
- ahh, that hurts.
He said.
- why am I a siren?
I asked him.
- because you attract a lot of boys?
He said, and laughed.
I let him go, and kicked him in his thigh.
- so violent..
Jun said and patted my head.
- it's not my fault that I attract people..
I said.
I didn't really believe it. Maybe I attracted people with my looks, but my personality.. uhm nope.

After we went shopping, jun suggested we should go have dinner somewhere.
We found a restaurant, and ordered food.
- hey, go get some bottles of soju.
Jun told me.
I couldn't say no to that.


-Don't you think you've had enough?
Jun asked me, and tried to take my glass away.
- don't you think you shouldn't talk? You've had just as much as me.
I answered.
- touché.
Jun said.
- tosh.. what?
I asked him.
I had never heard that word before. Was it Japanese?
- it's English. Not tosh, it's touché.
He answered.
- you know English?
I asked him, and started laughing.
At this point, everything was funny to me.
- can you teach me English?
I asked him.
- no. That's the only word I know.
Jun said, and giggled.
- you're so disappointing..
I said, and sighed.

- hey, I have a good idea!
Jun said.
- what?
I asked.
- now that you're drunk, you should call Wonpil.
He answered.
That's not a good idea..
- you should call Dowoon.
I said.
- maybe we shouldn't.
Jun said.

We looked at each other for a while, and then we both took out our phones fast.
We both called them.
- if Wonpil answers first, you're paying.
I said.
- well if Dowoon answers first, you're paying.
Jun said.
- deal.
I said.

Wonpil didn't answer first. In fact he didn't answer at all.
It went to voicemail.
- ya, Kim Wonpil... you better answer. You know, I'm a siren... a lot of gu..
I said, but Jun took my phone away.
- what are you doing?
Jun said, and laughed at me.
- tell Dowoon to say to Wonpil that I'm a siren.
I said, my words slurring.
- no.
Jun answered, and continued to talk to Dowoon. They where making plans to meet up soon.
- I'm a siren. So it's not my fault Chan kissed me...
I said.

Jun said bye to Dowoon, and was about to give me my phone back, when he suddenly got a shocked expression.
- what is it?
I asked him.
- I forgot to hang up on your phone..
he said.
- ahh.
I yelled.
That meant that Wonpil would hear what I said, when he listened to the voice mail.
That chan kissed me.
I started laughing really loud for some reason, and then rested my head on the table and passed out.

• Wonpil's POV•

When we arrived back at our dorm after band practice, both my phone and Dowoon's started ringing.
- oh, it's Jun.
Dowoon said, and disappeared into our room.
I looked at my phone. It was Siyeon.
Her contact photo was a picture of me and her. Looking at it made me miss her.
still, I didn't answer the phone. Soon after, I got a message that she had left a voicemail message.
I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and listened to the voice mail.
-ya, Kim Wonpil... you better answer. You know, I'm a siren... a lot of gu..
Then she got interrupted by Jun asking her what she was doing.
-tell Dowoon to say to Wonpil that I'm a siren.
She then said, but it wasn't as loud as before.
Then I heard Jun saying no.
- I'm a siren. So it's not my fault Chan kissed me...
she said, sounding drunk.
So this chan person wasn't her other boyfriend? He just kissed her? and she didn't want him to?
She didn't cheat on me..

So it was just so hard for her to tell me?
Like it was hard for me to tell her that time Nara kissed me?

I had to call her back.

•Siyeon's POV•

Jun had to hit my head to make me wake up, but he made up for it when we left the restaurant. I could barely walk, and lost my shoe, so he carried me. I had insisted that we would walk half of the way home. He had tried to get me inside a cab, but I just ran away. That's when I lost my shoe.

- Jun.. do you think.. do you think Wonpil hates me now?
I asked him.
- no.
He answered.

- let's rest on this bench for a while, you're heavy.
Jun said, and put me down on the bench.
Jun's phone started ringing, and he answered it.
- I don't think it's a good idea.. she's too drunk.
He said to the person on the phone. I noticed that the phone case was pink.
That's my phone..
- are you talking about me? That's not very nice..
I said.
Then I looked at the sky. The stars where so pretty. Oh. I think I just saw one moving. Oh no. Maybe it was a meteor.. oh no. It's going to hit me.
- Jun.. I think the sky is going to kill me!
I said.
- stop it. You're drunk.
He said.

I quickly hid under the bench.
- Siyeon, come out.
Jun said.
- no.

I don't know how long I stayed there.
- you should come out now, it's going to start raining.
Someone said, and it wasn't Jun.
- Wonpil?
I said.
- yeah..
He said.

When did he get here? And why wasn't he mad?
I got up from under the bench, and looked at him.
- what's a siren by the way?
He asked me, making me laugh.

AN: is it getting boring?

I Wait~ Wonpil Day6Where stories live. Discover now