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- I think she's waking up.
Someone said.
Who's waking up?
Oh. Right.
I opened my eyes, regretting it immediately. The light was too bright. I couldn't really see much, but I could make out at least three persons.
- my eyes...
I said, but It just sounded like mumbling. My mouth was too dry.

My eyes had finally gotten used to the light, and I could see them clearly.
Why was Jae here though?

I knew why I was here. I remembered it all.
I didn't feel safe. Even here at the hospital. Thinking about what had happened, and reliving it in my head, made me cry.
I literally started sobbing loudly.
- hey.. it's ok. I'm here..
Wonpil said, and held my hand.
It was all I needed.
He dried the tears on my cheek, and smiled softly.

- Siyeon... I'm so sorry. I should have known they where up to no good..
Jae said, after being quiet this whole time.
Was he really..blaming himself?
I would never understand this person.

I didn't say anything back, and avoided his gaze.
I didn't care that Jae felt like he was to blame. He deserved to feel a little bad for me, after the way he treated me.

Jae had to leave, and Nara went to get coffee. I was still a little confused about why she would save me and even stay at the hospital with me.
- I called Jun.
Wonpil said after he sat down on the chair beside the bed.
I tried to get up in sitting position, but it hurt like hell, making me squeal out of pain.
- hey, don't move.
Wonpil said, looking really concerned.
- why would call Jun..
I asked him. Jun probably didn't care about me right now anyways.
- because he's your emergency contact.
Wonpil answered. Oh right..
Would he really show up?

- i should be your emergency contact from now on. Not him
Wonpil said.
- are you jealous?
I asked him, and laughed. Great. Laughing hurt as well.
- I'm your boyfriend. Of course I'm jealous.
He said and shrugged like it was obvious. I was about to give him a shady comeback, but I suddenly remembered something. I was supposed to be at work now.
- don't worry, I've talked to Mr.Park
Wonpil said like he had just read my mind. But thank god. I wasn't going to be fired today either.
- just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you are supposed to read my mind.
I said, making him laugh and smile with his teeth.

After Wonpil left, Nara came back with a nurse.
- I'm glad to see you awake Ms.Kwon, how are you feeling?
The nurse asked me, while Nara sat down on the chair beside me.
- I feel like shit but that's nothing new. Could you please tell me my injuries?
I asked the nurse. She quickly nodded and looked at the chart that she had brought with her.

- your nose was almost broken, so be carful not to touch it for a while, and your stomach will have large bruises by tomorrow, so you will be in pain a few days, and then there is a fractured rib bone under your old injury.
She told me, and gave me a sad look.
This was really bad. I had been trough a lot worse, but the bruises on my stomach would be really big and hurt a lot.
- give her something for the pain please.
Nara asked the nurse. I still didn't get why she cared so much.
- I'm afraid it's not severe enough.
The nurse said awkwardly.

Nara being Nara, started arguing with the nurse, and it was hilarious to watch. But I also felt a little bad for the nurse. It wasn't really her fault.
- do you know who I am? My father owns the hoebog clinic.
Nara said, making the nurse suddenly apologize and say she would get a doctor to prescribe the pills to me. After the nurse left, Nara and I exchanged funny looks and started laughing.
- oh god it still hurts laughing...
I said after I stopped laughing.
- oh come on, it was worth it.
Nara said and smirked. I had to agree, it felt nice laughing. It made me forget about what happened today.

Me and Nara talked for a while, joking and making plans. It felt so weird, but I saw her as a friend now. I didn't get why Jun hated her. She wasn't that bad.

She also asked me about Jun. I explained that he left me and don't answer the phone. I also told her about the creepy guy on the bus.
- You're staying at my place until Jun gets back.
She told me, and I agreed.

After we got the prescription pills, Wonpil came back, and we all drove to my apartment in Nara's car. Nara helped me pack some of my things while Wonpil was in the kitchen eating some ramyun while waiting for us. After we finished packing, we left.

Nara didn't live too far away. Her apartment was fancier then mine, and even bigger. She even had a guest room. I wouldn't be able to sleep on a couch anyways.
- just make yourself comfortable, I'm taking a shower.
Nara said and left me and Wonpil alone in the guest room. I opened my bag, to get my pajamas. I was so tired, and I just wanted this terrible day to end. I got out of the hospital gown, and carefully put on my pajamas. I managed to do it without it hurting to much. Even though it hurt just moving.

I didn't really think about the fact that I just changed in front of Wonpil.
But he seemed a little affected by my actions.
- don't change in front of the window! What if another guy sees you?
He said.

He was becoming a little possessive and jealous of nothing. And I loved it.
I sat down on the bed beside him, and put my head on his shoulder.
- thank you.
I said.
- for what?
He asked me.
- you saved me today. And I think you saved Nara as well. They would probably have attack her too.
I answered.
Wonpil sighed, and took my hand, holding it in both of his.
- actually, Jae was the one who told me they where here. Without him, I wouldn't have found you.
He said. I guess I would have to swallow my pride and thank Jae too. but luckily I wouldn't be seeing him for a few days.

•Jun's POV•

After I got the phone call from Wonpil, I ran out of my parents house right away and got into my car. I didn't care about the money, or the fact that I was probably getting engaged today. I had to see Siyeon. I had to be there with her. It would probably take a while to get there, and it made me so mad. Why did I have to be at my parents house when something like this happened?

I drove as fast as I could back to Seoul, to the SNU Hospital.
I ran inside and found the reception. I basically yelled Siyeon's name in the receptionists face, and she quickly started typing on her computer.
- uhm.. Ms.Kwon checked out two hours ago.
She said.
I was too late.

I still had to see Siyeon. I drove to our apartment right away.
On my way up the stairs, I thought about how I was gonna explain to Siyeon. And mentally preparing myself for how she may look.
But it didn't matter.
Because when I got inside our apartment, she was nowhere to be found.

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