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It had been another four days. I hadn't been to work because it was a weekend and none of the boys would be there. So Mr.Park told me I could write my reports at home. It had been lonely.. but at least Wonpil called me everyday to make sure I was safe at home.

It was Monday again, and I was as usual standing in my room looking through my closet. I wanted to scream at it again, but it wasn't funny anymore because Jun left me.
He hadn't answered any of my calls or text the past days. I had so much to tell him.

I decided to wear a black suit, and match everything. I even put on red lipstick, making me look older, but also.. more sexy.
I also wore heels. I usually never dressed like an adult, because I never felt the need. But I had to look pretty today. Would I finally be able to confess... to Wonpil?

I couldn't stop thinking about it on the bus, when a man suddenly bumped into me. He didn't even say anything, and when he turned around, it was like slow motion. It was him. The one who groped me.
- it's you..
Was all I could say. He just looked at me and laughed. And when I say looked, I meant he looked me up and down like a pervert.
- I knew I had seen that backside before.
He said, smirking.

He didn't look bad. Actually he was cute looking, but the way he looked at me and talked to me made him creepy. And he definitely was older.I couldn't say anything, I was so shocked by his reply.
- you look different today. But I like it.
He continued saying.
- give me your number. Let's go out for drinks.
He said. There was no way. I backed away from him, and realized this was my stop. I hurriedly got out of the bus, but I didn't miss what he said when he noticed I was leaving.
- I'll get it next time then.
He said, and gave a sly smile before the bus left.
- how can people be like this..
I said to myself as I walked to the JYP building.

They boys where late. But only five minutes this time. I wouldn't make a fuss about it, because I had time to prepare some homework for them.
- today you will all work individually.
I told them as they all took seats. Thankfully nobody disagreed with me. Usually Jae would complain about how I did my job.
Sungjin just ignored me. Looking at him made me miss how he would always laugh at my lame jokes, and letting me give him help on the songs he wrote. He was my favorite student...

I gave all of them a piece of paper, and a pen.
- write a song about how you feel about me.
I then said. I had been thinking about this idea the past few days. I needed to know how they all felt. And I knew good songs came from bad situations.
- are you kidding me?
Jae said, and rolled his eyes. I ignored him, and looked at Sungjin. When he looked up at me, he looked sad.
He got up, taking the paper and pen with him.
- I will finish it by tomorrow.
He said, and left my office.
- if he's leaving I'm definitely leaving.
Jae said, and got up.
- take one more step and I'll report you to Mr.Park.
I said, making him sit down immediately.
- she's crazy..
He said to himself, but he definitely wanted me to hear it. It made me so mad that I couldn't get along with Jae. From the start he was my biggest challenge. Not Wonpil. He was the one that could never accept me.
- Siyeon.. your hand..
Dowoon said, following by Wonpil getting up from his seat quickly. So did Brian. Something was wrong. I couldn't move my fingers, it was like they where stuck in something. I looked at my hand and realized why. I had clenched my fist so hard my nails had dug into my hand. Blood where dripping down. Great.

- I'll go to the infirmary. To fix my hand. Make sure he fix his attitude.
I told the guys and left quickly. Damn it. How did I get so mad? I was weak. Just two negative comments and I'm ready to pull his head off.

When I got to the nurses office, I just walked right in. Lucky, it was just one nurse.
When she saw me walking in, with a bloody hand and a angry expression, she sighed loudly.
- you too?
She asked me.

•Wonpil's POV•

I was enjoying seeing Siyeon standing up to Jae, she looked so sexy. I know I shouldn't be thinking like that, but how could I not? She had dressed differently too. And Jae had that warning coming a long way.

But why did she have to hurt herself?
When she left to go to the infirmary, I decided to talk to Jae. I sat down across from him, and kind of slapped his head to get attention.
- what?
Jae said, looking up from his paper. He was actually writing a lot. I guess he really had strong feelings against Siyeon. Just not the positive kind.
- you know she's technically your superior?
Brian said.
- you know she technically work for us?
Jae fired back. They way he made it obvious that he didn't like Siyeon made me mad. I needed a break from him.

Jae may seem like a bad person, but he wasn't. Actually he was nice to anyone except Siyeon. So I couldn't really hate him. I was about to exit Siyeon's office, when the door opened revealing Siyeon, Sungjin and Mr.Park. And something was weird. Usually Mr.Park never visited us during Siyeon's lessons.

- boys, I have a few questions.
Mr Park said. Sungjin and Siyeon sat down quietly. We all sat quietly waiting for Mr.Park to speak. Something was really off. I got a bad feeling. Like a "Siyeon getting fired" bad feeling.
- you probably know what this is about?
Mr.Park said looking at me. Shit. But then he also looked at Brian and Siyeon.
- it has come to my attention that Siyeon has gotten quite popular for her looks here.
Mr.Park started to say. I had to do something.
- I think you have misunderstood here sir.
I said, but soon regretted it. I shouldn't talk to Mr.park like that. But I would probably do everything to make sure Siyeon didn't get fired.
- yeah, she's not that pretty.
Jae said.
- I'm going to ignore that...
Siyeon said quietly.

- what I'm trying to say, is that she's all people talk about on our private chat site. It started when someone anonymously posted a picture of her saying she was pretty. And I know it's one of you. It traced back to your dorm.
Mr.Park then said.
Wait... what??

•Siyeon's POV•

I was confused. But relieved. this wasn't about me being in trouble.
This was about me being...pretty. And it made me giggle. The thought about me being talked about by the trainees and idols.

- Siyeon. Are you ok?
Mr park asked me. I was basically daydreaming at that point, thinking about several attractive idols.
- huh?
I said, snapping out of my daydream.
- he asked if you know who it is. I think we all know I'm excluded from this. Can I go?
Jae said, getting up from his seat. But he was told to sit down again immediately by Mr.Park.
- if you don't tell me who started it, Siyeon won't be able to work with you anymore.
Mr park said.
Wait what? But this wasn't my fault. No one was saying anything either.

Maybe this was it. I would get fired. And it wasn't even because of something I did. If Mr.Park only knew. Even Dowoon, Brian and Wonpil stayed silent. It had to have been Brian right? Maybe Wonpil.
- please. Someone...
I said. Why did I have to constantly feel this way? The fear of getting fired. Oh. That's right. I had broken rules too.
I should at least go down by my own terms.
- if none of you say anything. I will leave on my own.
I said, my voice breaking a little. And it probably didn't go unnoticed. Everyone was shocked by my words.
- but before I leave, Mr Park. I would like to report someone for mistreating me.
I continued to say. I looked at Jae and he stared intensely back. Suddenly Sungjin got up from his seat.
- Fine. It was me ok?

AN: I'm intrigued by myself.

I Wait~ Wonpil Day6Where stories live. Discover now