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- can't I just call in sick?
I was in the car with Jun, outside the JYP building. It was Monday, so I had to go back to work. I had realized the same day as my fight with Wonpil, that I actually had to talk to him again. Even though I told him to not talk to me. But only work related. Because I wasn't planning on forgiving him. But maybe I could forget after some time.
- you can't do that anymore. Remember?
Jun told me. He was right. I couldn't take any time off. I promised Mr.Park to not let him down again.
- I know...
I said, and looked at my hand. It still hurt, but I didn't mind the pain.
I had cut my hand while making food yesterday. Jun thought it was an accident. But it wasn't. I thought that the pain in my heart would go away, if I was in physical pain. But i was wrong. It was so stupid.

- does it still hurt?
Jun asked me. He had put bandages on it yesterday.
- No.
I said, even though it did.

Walking down the hallway to my office, I was thinking about that time I was mad at Jun for lying to me. But I was the biggest liar of us. I couldn't count on my hands how many times I had lied since then.
I was deep in my thoughts, when I suddenly walked straight into someone. I didn't even see them. But the person landed on the floor. It was chan. Oh my god I hurt a kid.
- Chan! I'm so sorry.
I said, and helped him up.
- it's just that you're so small, I couldn't see you.
I said, and almost laughed.
- Noona that's not funny..
Chan said, but I noticed he was almost laughing too.

When I got inside my office, it was still an hour until the boys would be here, so I decided to write some lyrics. Or at least try. It was kind of hard because my hand hurt.

•Wonpil's POV•

- do you think I should wear this?
I asked Jae and showed him the third outfit.
- why do you keep thinking I have an opinion on this?
He asked me, and rolled his eyes.

I was nervous. Because we would be seeing Siyeon. And her lessons lasted 4 hours today. I didn't know why I wanted to look good. I was mad at her, well not really. I just didn't know what to feel.
But I also regret bringing up that day. I knew it was the worst day of her life.

And I thought I could forgive her for all she did to me. But the constant reminder of it all, when I looked at her, was hard. I really wanted to forgive her for it all. But I couldn't. When I heard that she was going to humiliate me, and maybe even hurt.. my feelings, I couldn't take it. I know it was a long time ago. But still..

I decided to just wear what I had on.
- but if I had an opinion, I wouldn't choose any of your clothes.
Jae said, and laughed.
- whatever, chicken...
I said, and left his room.

The rest of the group was sitting in the living room, on their phones.
- when are we leaving?
I asked them, also sitting down on the couch.
- we start in about 30 minutes, so we should head out soon.
Dowoon said. Suddenly Sungjin got off the couch.
- I'm going to go to her office now.
He said.

I wanted to go with him. I didn't like her being alone with him. Or any other boy. But she didn't want to talk to me anyways.
- I think I'm sick..
I told Sungjin.
- I'm not stupid.
He just said, and glared at me. Then he left.
- what's wrong?
Brian asked me.
- nothing.

•Siyeon's POV•

I was just about to take a nap, when someone entered my office. It was still 30 minutes before they where supposed to be here.
- I'm sorry, I just wanted to get here early.
Sungjin said.
- it's ok.
I said, and smiled.
- can I ask you something?
He said.
- yeah of course..
I answered.
- are you happy?
He asked me.

Was I happy? Or was it all fake, and one day it would all fall apart. I lost my mother. It was like she was dead too. And I wished it was her.
I know it is a terrible thought. But I wish she was the one who died that day. I would sacrifice anyone, to get Si Mok back. And my father..

and my past.. I had always been able to forget it. But when Wonpil came back into my life, it was a constant reminder..
but it was worth it.

- yeah, I'm happy.
I answered Sungjin.
- then why are you crying?
He asked me. What. I hadn't even noticed it.
- don't worry. I'm just a cry baby..
I said.
- you're still pretty though. I mean, when you cry..
Sungjin said, making me laugh.

Half an hour went by, and the rest of the boys came. Wonpil was the last to enter. I tried my best not to look at him. But I couldn't help it.
- hey..
He said, but I didn't greet him back, so he just went over to the others and sat down.
I told them to continue working on their songs, because I had some reports to write.

After an hour, I was done with the reports, and I told the boys to take a break. I decided I needed some fresh air. So I went to the roof top. I lied down on the bench, even though it probably wasn't a good idea. I might fall asleep.

- you really shouldn't give us so many breaks..
Sungjin said. Did he follow me up here?
- I only gave you one because I needed one myself..

•Wonpil's POV•

After Siyeon told us to take a break, she disappeared from her office. I noticed that Sungjin followed her. Where was she going? She entered the elevator. Something that she never did unless she was going to the rooftop. I was going to wait for the elevator to come back, but Sungjin was there waiting. So I decided to take the stairs.

I got all the way up to the roof top, and saw Siyeon lying on the bench, while Sungjin was leaning against the fence.
- oh hey.
Sungjin said when he noticed me. When Siyeon saw me, she quickly got up from the bench.
- ok break times over..
She said, and started walking towards the entrance.
- I didn't mean what I said.. I do love you.
I said before she could leave. She stopped walking, and turned around to look at me.
- love you too.
She said, and left.
Wait.. oh my god.

- did you hear that??!
I asked Sungjin, because I wasn't really sure if she actually said it or not.
- yeah, so?
Sungjin asked me.
- she's never said that to me before..
I answered. Well, she did say it once before. But it wasn't like this... now she was fully aware of her words.
- wait, really?

I Wait~ Wonpil Day6Where stories live. Discover now