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•Wonpil's POV•

I was getting nervous. Jae wasn't back yet. But maybe it was a good thing.
- it's not gonna happen you know..
Sungjin said. After Jae left and they came back, we told them what was going on.
- don't say that, you'll jinx it.
I told him.
- you know.. it's been ages since I've seen Siyeon in real life..
Brian said. That's right.. me and Jae where the only ones that had seen her after she came home.
- yeah.. it's been weird.
Dowoon said.
- at least I'm gonna see Jun.
he continued.
- you guys have plans? Let me join
Brian asked him. Dowoon went quiet, but there was a smile on his face.
- it's just going to be me and him.
Dowoon said, and went into his room. Well, our room. I followed him, because i got curious of his smile.

- so, you and Jun are getting close?
I asked him, and sat down on his bed. He had given up on getting me to stop. Sometimes I even fell asleep in his, so he had to use mine.
- yeah, he's cool.
He answered.
- is there... anything else going on?
I asked him. I knew about jun liking boys. But I don't think Dowoon knew that.
- never mind. I'm gonna go look for Jae.
I told him and left the room. I couldn't believe I almost asked Dowoon if he had a crush on Jun...

I went into the living room, and noticed that Jae still weren't back. But Sungjin was pacing, and Brian was smiling over his phone, probably texting Jimin. ASC Jimin. She was single again, and he had liked her forever. Not like he would ever tell her.
-  why are you pacing?
I asked Sungjin.
- because I actually hope Siyeon will come back.
He said. Really?
- that's.. good.
I told him, and now I felt like pacing too.
- Sungjin, sit down. Before you walk a hole in the floor.
Brian said, making me laugh.

Suddenly the door burst open. Jae came inside, but he didn't look happy. But he didn't look sad either.
- bad news guys..
He started saying. Oh no. It didn't work.
- we're stuck with Siyeon again.
He continued.

Holy shit. He did it. He actually did it.
- are you serious?
Sungjin asked him.
- why would I lie? I'm not Siyeon.
He answered. Sungjin let out a little laugh but stopped when I glared at him. But I couldn't be mad. Because I was too happy.

- oh my god. I have to call her!
I said, and got up from the couch.
- Mr.Park said he would call her right away. And she will start tomorrow.
Jae said before I could even find my phone.

•Siyeon's POV•

So Jihun found my alcohol stash. But I didn't mind. We had already downed a couple of bottles, and we were now making fun of people on tv.
- oh my god this is totally my type of commercial!
Jihun yelled. Me and Inseong looked at each other and bursted out laughing. Because it was an underwear commercial for men.
- stop laughing! I could totally pull it off..
Jihun said, and glared at us.
- I don't want to picture it..
Inseong said.
- me neither.
I said, and we started laughing again.

Jihun got off the couch, and suddenly started taking off his shirt.
- oh my god..
I said and covered my eyes. Inseong just started laughing again, this time louder.

- did he stop?
I asked Inseong, my eyes still covered.
- yeah he stopped when he remembered he don't have abs.
He answered. I opened my eyes just in time to see Jihun hitting him.

After the little strip scene, we went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
- do you have peanuts?
Jihun asked me.
- I drink beer on a daily basis. Of course I have peanuts.
I told him, and pointed to the cabinet.

Me and Inseong were play hitting each other when my phone rang.
I was hoping it was Wonpil, but it was almost just as good. It was Mr.Park.
- shit I'm too drunk..
I said.
- who is it?
Jihun asked me.
- boss man.
I answered.

I knew I had to answer the call.

I ran into my bedroom, and answered.
- hello?
I said as calmly as I could.
- Siyeon. Good to hear your voice again.
Mr.Park said. I never expected he would say something like that ever.
- you too sir. What can I help you with?
I said.
- how about some song writing lessons?
He asked me. What was going on?
- what... what do you mean?
I asked him.
- what I'm trying to say is, do you want your job back?
He said.

Oh my god. OH my GOddd.
- Of course! I mean, yes.
I answered. I could hear Mr.Park laughing a little at my response.
- good. You start tomorrow. 10 AM. Come to my office before that.
He said, and hung up.
I couldn't believe it! How was this happening? I was so happy I had to scream.

Jihun and Inseong came bursting in, probably thinking I was getting killed.
- what's going on?
Jihun asked me.
- I just got my job back...
I answered.
- that's a good thing right?
Jihun asked me.
- it's a really good thing.
I answered.
- but I think I have to throw up.
I said, and ran to the bathroom.

•Jun's POV•

I told my parents. And now my father never wanted to see me again. But my mother... she said she didn't care.
I guess my father doesn't love me. But my mother do.
She also told me she would give me millions... I never knew it would turn out like this.


- I never thought you where brave son. But today, you proved me wrong.
My mother told me, and took my hand. My father had already left the house. And he was so angry. But I didn't care.
- you.. you're not mad?
I asked her.
- how can I be. Finally my boy became a man. What you just did, took a lot of courage.
She answered.
I hugged my mother, and almost started crying. But I could wait, until I got in my car again.

- and don't worry about you father cutting you off. I won't let him. In fact, I'll give you a lot more than you're already getting. You should start looking for a house.

I still had trouble believing the outcome.
And for once in my life, I had a parent that I could stand. Maybe even love.

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