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After work, I went home so that I could change and get ready for my date. I told Wonpil that I would meet him at the arcade later. I was in a really good mood. It had been a while since Wonpil had suggested these kind of things. Actually, some days I thought he wanted to break up because he never seemed interested in hanging out.

When I entered my house, I immediately found Jun. I needed his help with picking out an outfit. Not because I couldn't do it myself, but because I was to lazy. But I still wanted to look good for Wonpil, so...
- is it causal or formal?
Jun asked me.
- just find something cute.
I answered.
- we have a different view on cute outfits though...
Jun said and smirked.
- just pick something. I have to go do my shower routine.
I said.
- you mean you have to go sing wake me up by BAP as loud as possible?
Jun asked me and rolled his eyes.
- .......yes.

After I showered, I put on the outfit that Jun had chosen for me. It wasn't bad. And it looked perfectly with my winter coat. It was still cold outside, but it would be spring soon.
I couldn't wait to spend more time outside.
Maybe even take the bus to work.

I finished getting ready, and found Jun again. He was going to give me a ride.
- why do you look better than me? I'm the one going out...
I said as I noticed Jun had changed as well. He had even fixed his hair.
- who says I'm not going out?
Jun answered.
- wait, you're not date crashing again?
I asked him.
He would sometimes do this. But it wasn't that bad. We always had fun anyways. But today I wanted it to be just me and Wonpil.
- no, I have my own date. Kind of. I'm hanging out with Dowoon.
Jun explained.
- ok, lets go.
I told him.

We exited our house, and got into Jun's car. I was so excited about going to the arcade. Not only because I needed to bead the annoying kids high score of course.
- I'm going to tell Dowoon today.
Jun suddenly said, and turned of the music we where listening to.
- wait... are you talking about what I'm thinking?
I asked him.
- I'm going to tell him how I feel.
He answered.
Now I was even more exited. I couldn't wait to hear how it went later.

Jun dropped me off outside the arcade, and drove away.
I went inside, and realized I was a bit early. But I didn't mind. I went straight to my usual gaming machine. I checked the score board.
Damn it. I knew it.
The kid had beaten my score, making me second place.
I quickly pressed play, and started my quest to crush him.
After my second try, I finally beat his score. I even got double the score he got.
- Yeah! Take that you little shit!
I yelled at the machine, making people look at me weirdly.

- You're so cute..
I turned around to see Wonpil.
- how long have you been standing there?
I asked him embarrassed.
- I just got here.
He said and smiled.

• Jun's POV•
Dowoon and I decided to go to the movies.
After that, we walked around Gangnam street.
- i feel bad for not telling Siyeon..
I told Dowoon.
I had actually known that they were leaving for two weeks. But Wonpil asked me not to tell Siyeon. And I promised him. But I regretted it now.
- don't think about it. She will forgive you.
Dowoon said, and smiled.
He always knew the right things to say.
And now I had to do the right thing. For myself.
- I want to tell you something.
I said.
- sure.
Dowoon said.
We found a bench, and sat down.
I was so nervous.
But I had to tell him. I wanted to tell him.
- I've wanted to tell you for a while now.
I said.
Dowoon just smiled and told me to go ahead.
- I like you... no, I really like you.
I told him.

He didn't say anything back.
Oh no. I shouldn't have told him.
- are you being serious?
He finally asked me.
- yes... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you.
I said.
Suddenly he started smiling.
- I'm relieved.
He said.
What did he mean by it?
- I thought I was being stupid for liking you.
He said.
Wait, did he really say he liked me too?
This couldn't be real.
- I want to be your boyfriend.

•Siyeon's POV•

We played a few games, and I was getting hungry.
- let's go eat.
I told Wonpil.

We found a restaurant close by, and found a table.
- what do want? Pick anything.
Wonpil said, as we browsed the menu.
- I'm actually craving jajangmyeon.
I told him.
- sounds good. I think I'll get it myself.
Wonpil said.

We ordered the food, and also decided to have some soju. Well, I decided to have some soju.
- I've missed you...
I told Wonpil.
- I'm sorry I haven't been able to spend much time with you lately.
He said and held my hand.
I wasn't mad at him. Just happy that we could spend time together now.

The food arrived, and we started eating.
After a while Wonpil started laughing.
- what is it?
I asked him.
Was he laughing at me?
- your face..
He said, and took out his phone.
He took a photo of me, and showed me it.
I had food all around my mouth. It was kind of funny.
I wiped it of with a napkin, and glared at Wonpil.
- you better delete the picture.
I told him.
He just started laughing again.
Ahh why does he look so cute?
- no way.
Wonpil said and smirked.

After we finished eating, Wonpil wanted to take a walk in the nearby park.
He took my hand, and we walked for a while.
I looked at him and noticed he had put his mask on.
I wish he didn't have to do that, but I knew it was for the best.
Both would suffer if anyone recognized him.
We walked for a while, until we passed a bench.
- let's sit down for a while.
Wonpil said, so we did.
- hey, let's go get ice cream.
I said.
I had actually been craving it since we started walking.
- I have to talk to you about something.
He said.
He looked serious. And it was making me anxious.
Was he going to break up with me after all?
I thought I was just being paranoid.
It didn't seem like he wanted to earlier.
- about what?
I asked him.
He didn't say anything, and just sighed.
Now I was definitely getting paranoid.
- I'm going to America. We have a tour.
He said.
Wait, really?
I was happy for him. All of Day6. They really had come far.
- that's great! I'm happy for you.
I said, and hugged him.
But he didn't seem happy.
- It's for two months..
He said.
- oh... when do you leave?
I asked him.
Two months would be hard. But I was still happy for them.
- tomorrow...
He answered.
Wait, what?
He was leaving tomorrow?
How was this possible?
It was so short notice.
Had he known about all this time and not told me?
- when did you find out?
I asked him.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer.
- Siyeon...
Was all he could say.
- how long have you known?!
I asked him, raising my voice.
- two weeks..
He answered.

I couldn't believe him. How could he not tell me sooner?
Didn't he care about me at all?
I got up from the bench, and started walking away from him.
I couldn't look at him.
Because I didn't know what I was capable of saying.
But he grabbed my hand, stopping me.
- don't say goodbye like this..
He said, looking sad.
- when you're done with your tour, don't bother coming back. Just stay there forever.
I said.
And then I left him.

I Wait~ Wonpil Day6Where stories live. Discover now