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AN: this chapter is decided to Minhos_stray !

•Jun's POV•

The next day, Siyeon got so sick she couldn't even get out of bed.
I even felt bad for laughing when she told me what had happened the last 24 hours.
I mean, the part about JB locking her in, made me mad.
But the other parts of the story made me laugh. Until now. I had never seen her so sick in my life.
So obviously she wouldn't be able to go to the airport with me to pick up Monkey, her little brother.

His name wasn't really monkey of course. It was Siwon.
Siyeon's mother told me the real reason for his name a long time ago.
It was a mixture of Siyeon and Si Mok.

Siwon had just turned 8,and I had prepared a lot of gifts for him. I had missed him a lot . Last time me and Siyeon went to Busan, had been the first time I had met him. But I had gotten emotionally attached to him right away. He was so innocent and nice. And he always felt bad for Siyeon when she was sad. Even though Siyeon kind of hated him...
He loved his sister.

So I decided that while Siwon visited us, I would make it my mission for them to become close. Like real siblings.

I had just arrived at the airport, and gotten out of my car when I saw on the flight information screen that his plane had landed.
I had to run inside.
I found the arrival gate, and started looking around for him.

It didn't take long before I saw a little boy holding up a sign that said " Kwon Siyeon" on it.
He looked so scared and uncomfortable. I got that. He was alone in an unknown place after all. I quickly started walking towards him.
- Monkey!!
I yelled, getting his attention.
- Junie Hyung!!
The kid yelled, and ran towards me.
- I was so scared..
He said.
- it's ok. I got you.
I said, and hugged him.
- where is Siyeon noona?
He asked me.
- she's really sick today..
I told him, as I broke the hug and took his hand.
- we should make some soup for her..
He said, as we walked over to the luggage drop area.
- good idea, monkey.
I said, and smiled at the little boy.

After we got his luggage and went to my car, we decided to get some food along with Siyeon's soup.
I bought everything the kid wanted to eat, witch was a lot. I guess he had a good apatite.
- do you want to do something else before we go home?
I asked him.
- I just want to see noona..
was all he said.

When we got home to the mansion, little Siwon had fallen asleep, so I carried him inside to one of the guest rooms.
Then I went to Siyeon's room with the soup. Luckily she was awake. She promised me to eat the soup, so I went to my room to sleep.

• Siyeon's POV•

I woke up again a while after Jun brought me soup, expecting it to be in the middle of the night, but it was only 11.00 PM.
But the reason I woke up, was because I felt like someone in the mansion was having a bad time. First, I checked Jun's room. But he was sleeping soundly.

Then I remembered we weren't the only persons here.
My little brother was here too.
And I got this feeling that something was really wrong about it.
So I searched all the guest rooms, looking for him.
I didn't like him. At all. Actually I hated him just like I hated my mother. But I still worried. I found him in the room closest to mine.
He was twitching and turning in his bed.
It looked like he was having a nightmare.
I didn't know what to do...
how do a person react in these situations?
Damn it..
I had to do something.
It looked like he was in pain...

So I went over to his bed, and carefully shook him, waking him up.
He looked so scared and shocked.
- Noona..
was all he said as he opened his eyes.
- what's wrong?
I asked him.
He looked at me for a while, like he wanted to say something. But then he looked scared.
What was going on? I suddenly felt the urge to protect him.
- I'm here now... don't be scared.
I said to him.
- hyung is hitting me again..
Was all he said between tears.

What did he mean..?  Had his brother Donghun hit him? Was is just a bad dream or was is reality?
- Hyung isn't here..
I said to him, and hugged him. I didn't know why. I didn't know why I automatically comforted him.
But then again, maybe it was because he was a kid. A scared child.
- but he's always here..
The kid said.
I still didn't remember the name of this child. But maybe I should. Maybe this kid was suffering like I used to?
In that case, he deserved my love. And he deserved my protection.
I decided then and there, that I wouldn't send him back to my mother before I had figured out this issue.

• Wonpil's POV•

After I sent Siyeon home today, I felt really bad. I mean, she had slept outside put down the whole night, and she would probably get really sick.
But I couldn't really do anything about it. We had a "welcome home" fan meet.
It lasted almost all day, and when we where done, we went back to our dorm to rest.
I did try to call Siyeon, but it was late and she didn't answer. I figured it was because she was asleep.
So I went to sleep, like the others in my group. I was really looking forward to having songwriting lessons the next day.


The next day, we all woke up too late. When I noticed, I ran around the dorm, yelling at everyone to be ready on time.
When we all finished getting ready, we ran down to Siyeon's office.

When we got there, she opened up, and we all entered.
But something was really weird.
There was a kid there.
Brian suddenly asked Siyeon if the kid was hers.
But he couldn't be, right?

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