Bonus chapter

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• A few years later•

- did you find your jacket? Jaeyoonie? Wonpil?... YA!!
I screamed down the hallway.
In under a minute,
Both my husband and our son Jaeyoon came running into the hallway, looking a little scared.

I could be scary if I wanted to.

- we were just playing one last game...
Wonpil said, and put his arms around my waist.
I could never really stay mad at him..
- Daddy said I can have a dog.
Jaeyoon said.
Oh god not this again..
- we're not discussing this right now honey.
I said, and gave Wonpil a look.
- did you get your jacket?
I asked Jaeyoon.

We where dropping him off at Jae's apartment. He was going to babysit, while we went to our first class reunion.
He said and giggled.
- we have to leave in five...
I told him and sighed.

- shit.
Jaeyoon said and ran to his room, to find his jacket.
- wait, where did he learn to speak like that?
Wonpil asked me.
- wasn't me..
I said.
- me neither..
Wonpil said.

- Jun....
We both said at the same time.

It made sense. Jun still lived with us.
And he didn't exactly have a filter even when around kids.
Dowoon moved in a year ago.
We still lived in our mansion. After all, it was plenty room for all of us. The rest of Day6 lived here when they had time off.
Siwon would also spend time here, when he wasn't away studying in America.
Siwon also grew up, getting taller and stronger than Donghun.
He could take care of himself now.

Living with Wonpil, and being married to him was all really hard in the beginning because his fans hated me.
But they warmed up to me when I got more famous.
I was still a songwriter, but I also did modeling.
The only reason Mr.Park let us get married, was that he didn't want us to have a child outside of marriage.

He did fire me, but then he hired me again.
I guess he really didn't want to let me go.
By now we had that kind of relationship where he would visit some times to play with Jaeyoon.
I guess you could say he was a family friend.

- you look beautiful.
Wonpil said, waking me up from my thoughts.
- thank you. You look cu.. I mean, handsome.
I said and giggled.
- just say it...
Wonpil said.
- you look adorable..
I said.
- ok too much..
Wonpil said, making me laugh.
- you love it.
I said.
- no.. but I love you.
He said.
Oh damn..
I didn't say anything back, I just kissed him.

- gross....
We turned around to see Jaeyoon glaring at us.
Sometimes he reminded me too much of Jae.

We left our house, and drove over to Jae's apartment.
When we arrived, Jaeyoon quickly got out of the car.
He was about to just walk up to the apartment, when I called out for him.

The thing was... our son had some... issues. Witch he definitely got from me.
- Jaeyoon! Remember what I said?
I asked him.
- no biting...
He said with his head hanging.
- that's right.
I said.
- can I go now?
He asked.
- yes. You can go now. I love you.
I said.
- mom..
He said.
He hated when I said I loved him.
I just laughed and closed the car door.

But right before he had entered the apartment, I couldn't help myself.
I yelled as loud as I could.
Wonpil started laughing.
- ok now drive before he comes back and bites us..
I said, and we left.

When we parked outside the hotel where the reunion event was, I got nervous.
What if they didn't want me to come..
what if they hated me.
Even I hated the person I used to be.
- breathe.
Wonpil told me.
- if I wasn't breathing I would be dead.
I told him and smirked.
- oh come on you know what I meant..
He said.
- shut up I'm funny.
I said.

I was actually feeling better now.
Was it because of Wonpil's cute attempt to soothe me, or was it because I'm freaking hilarious?

- stop laughing at yourself.. let's go inside.
Wonpil said, but I knew he wanted to laugh as well.
- ok.. let's do this.
I said, and we walked hand in hand inside the hotel.
There was some paparazzi outside, obviously someone in our old class had to have told them we might come here.

But I didn't mind. Because we looked good.
And I loved seeing us in magazines.

We entered the hall, and suddenly everyone stopped talking.

- Kwon Siyeon? I thought you were dead?
Gongchan asked, looking surprised.

I actually had some unfinished business with this guy.

- don't pretend to be stupid. I met you at that bar a few years ago? You don't remember?
I asked him.
He just shook his head after looking around at his friends.
I guess he was embarrassed.
He should be.
- when you saw me and was about to come over. But then you noticed my guy friend kissing another boy. So you left.
I said and smirked.

Some of the girls from my class that I remembered as lower class, looked at gongchan rudely.
Then they came over to where me and Wonpil where standing.
- I heard on the radio you're married now.
One of them said to me.
- I saw you modeling in a magazine....
The other one said.

I just smiled at them and held onto Wonpil's arm.

- i used to wish the worst for you...
The one that I remembered as Hana said.
- but now that I see you guys together.. I wish you both the best.
She said.
I almost got tears in my eyes.
How could she be so nice?
Last time I saw her, I was pushing her head in the toilet.

- come sit with us..
She said, and the rest of the girls behind her nodded in agreement.
- let's sit with them.
I told Wonpil, and he agreed.
We walked back to their table and sat down with them.

Things went great the entire event.
No one was rude to me, and no one was scared of me anymore.
The best part was that Sooyoung and Minah didn't show up.

After a while I was so overwhelmed that I needed fresh air.
So we decided to go outside.
There was already some of our classmates outside. They where smoking, so I didn't want to stand with them.

Besides, I had a really big reason for staying away from the smoke.
- I actually thought it was gonna be a mess..
Wonpil said.
- me too. But.. it's perfect.
I said.
- everything is perfect..
Wonpil said.
- I have all I ever wanted. You.. and Jaeyoon.. I don't need anything else.
He said.
- not even a little our family?
I asked him.
At first he looked confused, and I decided to wait for him to get it.
- wait... really?
He asked me, and I had never seen him smile like that before.
- yes. I'm pregnant again..

AN: i just wrote this bonus chapter to show y'all that the happy ending was indeed a happy ending.


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