*chapter one*

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EDITED - -7/02/2019 

The leaves were dancing around, hovering above the tarmac. Gentle rustling was the only thing I could hear, everything else was silent; even the birds were silent. The warmth of the April sun had disappeared, and the cold was nipping my skin.

I had been waiting for 3 hours now.

3 long hours for my boyfriend to pick me up. I knew where he was; he was at band practice with his stupid friends. Music's important to him. I knew that before we even started going out. I knew he had huge dreams, but I was starting to think I didn't fit into the equation of his life.

My phone was down to the last 10% and my purse was empty. Buying those custom-made drum sticks for him was a mistake. If I had not have bought them I would at least have some spare change for the bus. This is what happens when the world hasn't adapted the London way of life and allows us to use contactless.

Time after time this had happened and time after time there was a new excuse. Whether it was a song, or a livestream. I was beginning to think that I had heard them all. Is it too hard for him to keep a promise?

Five more minutes I told myself. Five more minutes and I was going to start walking home, boyfriend or no boyfriend. Maybe if I got abducted he might remember that he was meant to pick me up? But then again, his band mates would probably convince him that I rely too much on him and that it's not his job to drive me around. That I'm eighteen, I should take responsibility for myself.

The three boys that made up his band had never liked me. I don't know why but they didn't. it wasn't even that I hadn't tried with them because I did. I listened to them talk all about their lives, listened to them ramble on about all the girl's numbers they had. I even had common ground with them. But they weren't having any of it, they didn't like me being around and when I am around they just ignore me, especially the youngest. He would quite happily point out all my flaws in front of me and the worst thing is that my boyfriend doesn't stick up for me. I try not and let it get to me, but it does annoy me.

Five minutes had passed and no boyfriend. The sun had completely set, the only light coming from worn out street lamps. The faintly lit pavement did well to cover the shadows of everything. It gave a spooky atmosphere.

My skin was frozen, my bare shoulders shivering. With all the rush this morning to get out of the door I had forgotten a jacket, and I had to give my friends back to him otherwise my boyfriend might just flip out.

Plugging my iPod headphones in, I left the plaza car park. Each step I took felt like a step away from my boyfriend, a step away from my relationship. It made me question why I was still with him, why I hadn't walked away after the third time this had happened.

If he had picked me up when he was supposed to, 3 hours ago, I would be relaxing in front of the TV, or listening to music with him. I would have finished my essay for law class as well. But no. I was ten minutes into a forty-minute walk in the dark.

Negative thoughts infiltrated my mind. What was so important that he forget about me? Was there another girl? Or had he simply been convinced by the boys that he didn't need to pick me up? Either way, I was growing tired of being let down again and again. I didn't deserve this.

My phone was now down to 5%, I decided to call him one last time. This would be the 22nd call. Dialing his number. The wait for him to pick up. The hope that he would. But no. "Hi you've reached Ashton. I can't pick up now, I'm probably doing band stuff. Leave a message and I'll get back to you"

Yeah, I'll get back to you if you aren't Alyce Ramos. Why do I even bother?

By the time I get home it would be nearly 10:30pm. I wasn't annoyed anymore. I was angry. And hurt. And cold.

I hated walking past the park at night. Recently I had been watching Criminal Minds for media and bad things always happened to lone girl. Trying to shake the thought from my head I walked faster until I had cleared the park.

I tried to think of all the positives to my relationship. He was funny and could be sweet when he wasn't around the boys. I did feel safe in his arms, but every good thing was currently masked by the fact he hadn't picked me up.

I had been at university all day and then I had work after school. I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was crash into my bed and fall asleep. However, I knew when Ashton got home to the apartment we shared together he would want to 'talk' and by talk I mean, he would apologize, tell me how pretty I am, that he loves me to the moon and back, then we would cuddle and somehow, I would magically forget everything. This time there would be none of that.

The road got brighter as the lights from the apartment complex lit up the surrounding area. The lights in the courtyards illuminating the bushes and flowers and the water from the fountain echoing as I walked through the door of my apartment block. I hadn't been in all day, so I had to check if we had got any post. Fumbling in my bag for my keychain I heard Miss Kemp and her lover walk in behind me. They looked so loved up and couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Unlocking the post box, I reached in grabbing a handful of letters and a parcel.

"Miss A. Ramos" read the parcel. Curious as to what it could be I pressed the button to call the elevator. The apartment block was very modern which I loved. The elevator was all chrome and mirror. I loved the jingles that played in the elevator on my short trip to the third floor.

Apartment 12. It had always been my favorite number.

I opened the door, the post still in my hands. Our apartment was dark, no lights on at all. I walked through into the living room flicking all the switches as I walked. I hated dark rooms.

Chucking my bag onto the sofa and throwing myself down soon after I looked at the post. A number of letters for 'Ashton and one for me.

My attention however was fixated on the parcel. I ripped open the tape that secured it. Inside was a lot of tissue paper and bubble wrap. Just inside the layers was a note reading

"England misses you sweetie. I hope Australia is fun. Love mum and the boys"

Aw, it was from my family. I had left England to study law in Sydney. My mum had brought me and my younger twin brothers Monty and Jai up all while balancing a job. She was my idol.

Under the paper was a tea towel from my brothers' primary school and their most recent school photos. They looked so angelic, but you could definitely tell that Monty was the cheeky one.

I missed them so much but being in Australia was right for my future. The opportunity to learn from some of the best people in their fields, and the experience I would gain from having studied abroad would go lengths in my career. 

I was too tired to make anything to eat, instead I boiled the kettle while I took my makeup off and got ready for bed.

Peppermint tea was my favorite bedtime drink, it warmed me up completely and eliminated any negative thoughts or worries that were troubling me.

Dimming the lights in our room I pulled the covers over my body and turned onto my side.  Ashton's side of the bed was cold, and I refused to move over. Usually I would try and read a book before I went to sleep, but tonight I just didn't have the energy.


I hope you have enjoyed the first part of Holographic :)

I got the idea at college today I really thought i need to run with it, also i have such an obsession with 5sos,

Leave your comments...Ashton will be introduced in the next chapter

Picture of Alyce on the side. I imagine her looking liking Miley Cyrus (she's ma girl crush, or one of them) with her old hair

Holographic ➸ Ashton Irwin ➸ 1/3Where stories live. Discover now