*chapter thirty-two*

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*Before ya'll read...tempted to do sequel?! I have possible ideas...yes or no?


I was seriously excited to go over to Calum's, so excited that I started getting ready two hours earlier than I needed to be there. I left Luke asleep in bed after our more than passionate night. I had finally told him that I loved him, and I did mean it.

However the call from Ashton really shook me. I wanted to call him back but in the end I decided against it. The only reason I think I wanted to call him was because it's him. He has a certain affect on me that I really needed to shake.

My new season Arsenal shirt was on the chair in my bedroom with some black shorts and my converse. Dancing around the bathroom I brushed my teeth and wrapped my wet hair up in a towel. It was a nice sight to see all of Luke's wash things on the side. Recently he had stayed over more or less every night and I had even made a draw for all of his things. The only downside was that Ashton had not removed all of his items because since our argument he had not been home.

Picking up one of the bottles of aftershave from the side I spray it over my chest. Ralph Lauren number 1. It was a spontaneous move but now I smelt like Lukey.

By the time Luke had woken up, I was already dressed and ready to go to Calums. I had styled my hair in a messy bun and applied my normal amount of makeup but with bright red lips to match the shirt.

"Someone's excited" Luke said gazing at me from the bed.

He refused to budge even when I threw my arms out for him to hug so I moved over to the bed and sat on his lap over the covers. Leaning down I kissed his soft lips ever so tenderly.

"Well it's football Lukey. Are you sure you're going to be okay today with me?" I asked him as his arms wrapped around my waist.

Luke rested his head on my boobs slightly and breathed in his familiar scent. Instead of spraying any of my perfume on I just decided to spray more of his on.

"You smell like me! And yeah I think I can survive a few hours without my girlfriend. I'm going to go and see Michael" Luke laughed taking another sniff of me.

He reluctantly let me get up so I could put my shoes on. Before I went to Calum's I was going to pick up some drink and snacks from the shop and having recently passed my Australian driving test I could now drive. My mum had sent me some money to buy a little run around car too. It was going to make life a lot easier.

A frown broke his face as I got up but was soon replaced by a smile when I told him I would make it up to him later. He seemed more than satisfied by that. I knew he was hoping Arsenal would win.






"YAY" Calum burst as he opened the door dressed head to toe in his Liverpool kit.

I greeted him with a huge hug before passing over the three bags of food and drink I had brought with me. His eyes growing bigger at the sight of the snacks.

He decided the best way to announce to the world and his small fan following was to take a selfie of us with a beer in our hands donning our football shirts. To which he posted to twitter with the caption "Footie day with @Alyce_Ramos COME ON LIVERPOOL". Within a few moments he had replies from Michael and Luke.

@Cliffo_M - @Alyce_Ramos @CalumHood I hope Liverpool loses

@hemmo1996 - @CalumHood stole my girlfriend for the day but I have @Cliffo_M

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