*chapter twenty-nine*

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➸ Walking down Barnaby Street in my, unusually tall wedged ankle boots I saw a familiar face. Curly hair flying slightly in the wind and a bag from Martin’s Music Store I shouted out her name. 

“L.P” I said causing the girl to turn around. 

She wore a black skirt with a tartan crop top and braces with little bows on paired with some monstrously tall knee nigh boots. 

“Alyce! I was actually going to text you to see if you wanted to grab a coffee?” She smiled as she gave me a hug. 

Over the last few days I had seen a lot of L.P, mainly because she spent half of her time at Mikey’s. However I knew, like me she only had about three weeks left of time off from University. 

“I’m just on my way to meet the boys but you should come along too! Have you met Cal yet?” I replied walking next to her.

As we walked along the street we stopped every now and then to look in the shop windows, but we both agreed that we needed to go on a girly shopping trip soon. I have to admit I need one. I love hanging out with the guys but I really need some more girl power around here. 

“Not yet, only Luke and Mikey obviously. Isn't there a 4th guy in their little group?” She quizzed.

I’m not sure if Ashton was still in their group. None of us, but Calum had heard from him since the big fight. 

“Erm, there’s Ashton. But he’s in the city I think” I responded trying to sound as positive as possible.

The thought of Ashton in the city probably sleeping with loads of girls and acting like ‘us’ never happened really disgusted me. But hey? I’m not his girlfriend anymore so I can’t have an opinion on it. I did however partly hope that I would have heard from him, just a text would have satisfied me but nope. 

“Yeah that’s the one. Oh, did you know him well?” L.P grinned as I pointed to the cafe I was meeting the boys at. 

It was the best teahouse out of England I had decided. To me it was a little bit of London in Sydney, filled with Victorian decor and Edwardian paintings; of course they weren't authentic but it was nice. ‘Little London’ the name of the teahouse also had all my favourite Twining’s tea. 

“Erm, you could say that” I weakly said as I spotted Luke’s quiff from the door. 

As soon as he saw me he stood up, along with Calum. Michael being the lazy shit he was stayed sat down. Recently Calum was dressing really well; not that he didn't put effort in before but there was something about the bomber jacket that he was wearing that screamed London Fashion Week. 

Michael’s eyes grew as he saw the girl I had brought with me. I could tell that he quite liked her. Whenever I was texting him; which was a lot, he was always talking about her and how much they had in common. 

“Hey boo” I smiled kissing Luke’s cheek and taking my jacket off. 

Trust the boys to have picked the sofa’s in the corner, they barely fit two of the guys on but somehow they expected me to squeeze in between Cal and Luke. I suppose they didn't know I was bringing L.P

“I hope you don't mind me coming along and crashing your tea session” L.P awkwardly laughed as she sat down next to Mikey.

She didn't sit so close, only perching on the end. That was until Michael pulled her completely onto his lap and kissing her forehead. Aw. 

“I’m glad you are here. Now we can compete for cutest couple” Michael winked.

Oh here we go with the couple jokes. I could tell that Calum now felt like the third wheel. Someone really needed to set him up with a girl. Then we could all go out together.

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