*chapter thirty-one*

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“You’re my girlfriend now, of course I’m going to pay” Luke witted as he handed over two $20 notes to the man behind the counter.

I jokingly rolled my eyes and giggled at his gent nature. We were picking up some flowers, chocolates and a bottle of wine to take to Michael’s house. Since we were now official we decided that it only seemed fitting to have a couples night. 

“But Lukey, you always paid before! At least let me pay for half of it! I mean it’s not just for me, its for Mikey and L.P too!” I whined kissing his cheek. 

As he picked up the two bags from the supermarket his leant down and firmly placed his lips onto mine. So many sparks in one little kiss. You would have thought that the fireworks would have calmed down by now, but no. It felt like Guy Fawkes night in my body. 

“No but’s. However you can carry a bag so that I can hold your hand?” Luke chuckled knocking my knuckles.

I put my hand out to take one of the bags from Luke and then with my free hand slipped it into is. Something about this just seemed so perfect.

It was a fairly cold evening. The July nights had a certain chill in the air but they were no where near as cold as winter in London. In all honesty, tonights weather was like London in spring. 

Gently Luke started swinging my hand as he hummed a tune to a song that I didn’t recongise.

“What you humming Lukey?” I asked intrigued by the tune vibrating from his lips. 

He briefly turned his head to face mine before moving his focus onto the path ahead of us. As we approached a busier road his grip on my hand tightened. 

“Just a song Cal and I have been working on” He replied kind of singing his words in the same tune. 

I was even more intrigued on this song. It felt quite weird not knowing about the songs they worked on, usually Ashton told me every song and the meaning.

“What’s it called?” I quizzed rubbing my thumb into his hand. 

The humming continued, the soothing sound coming from his mouth was beautiful. If I could only listen to one singing voice for the rest of my life I would without a second thought pick his. 

The silent words are hard to speak, when your thoughts are all I see. ‘Don’t ever leave,’ she said to me” Luke sang stopping me and looking right at me. 

His eyes were filled with passion and an innocent smile was covering his usually cheeky grin. Was Luke Hemmings embarrassed? He put the shopping bag on the floor in-between his feet and took the bag from my hand putting it with the other one. In the middle of the street he snaked his arms around my back and pulled me close. Before my head was on his chest he tilted my chin up and rested his thumb on it. His eyes softly closed as his face inched closer to mine. Just as butterflies starting taking motion I felt the tender lips against mine. 

When we both wake up underneath the same sun, time stops, I wish that I could rewind. So close but so far away” He serenaded with his forehead resting on mine. 

I kissed him back as the words came to an end with exactly the same amount of passion. His neck flinched at the touch of my cold hands but soon accepted the chill. As we separated I felt the prick of his breath attack my face. 

“Oh Luke. That was beautiful, you have the voice of an angel” I gushed giving his lips one last peck before picking up the shopping bag. 

He awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do with the compliment. Looking at his feet he too also picked up the shopping bag. 

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