*chapter eighteen*

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- A l y c e -

I heard the voice. I really did however I didn't move from Luke’s embrace. It was warm and I felt safe.

“I said, I got it from here” Ashton shouted jumping off the stage.

He swaggered over to Luke and I, forcefully pulling me from Luke’s arms. He wasn't drunk right now but might as well have been. This was angry Ashton. Luke shot me an apologetic look as I said he should go and see the other boys, he was reluctant to leave but eventually did.

“I’m sorry I left ducky. I messed up big time” He apologised taking my hand. 

Usually I would except his hand holding. But I was confused and annoyed at the 5 day disappearing act he had done. I didn't deserve this, and while I wanted to chuck our whole relationship back in face that really isn't in my nature.

“Where did you go” I inquired folding my arms across my chest and stomping my feet together.

Ashton looked like he was about to burst into tears. His bottom lip started to quiver and his eyes became fixated on his drum kit. I wanted to know to the answer but at the same time I wanted to cuddle him.

“Well?” I pressed tapping my foot in an impatient manner.

His eyes didn't move from the drum kit. I noticed he had started to fidget with the pocket of his skinny black jeans.

“My cousin, h-he got into an accident” He whimpered a tear rolling down his left cheek.

Oh my gosh. I pulled the lad in front of me into my arms. He rested his head on mine as he arms tightened around my back. 

“How come your mum didn't know about this?” I queried as we sat down, our backs against the rail in front of the stage. 

His head now rested on my shoulder, I could feel tears soaking through my denim jacket. His light brown hair flopped all over with his bandana keeping it out of his eyes. I held onto his hand tightly. 

“S-she d-doesn’t k-know. H-e’s on m-my dads side. P-p-lease you c-c-cant tell her. Please b-baby” He stammered lifting his head and looking into my eyes.

I had really got myself into trouble here. He put his head back down onto my shoulder as I cooed over him to get him to stop crying and to calm him down. This wasn't the sort of mood he should be in on his first proper gig. Every inch of my body ached for him. How could I have been so insensitive to him.

“He OD’d ducky” Ashton informed me pressing his lips against my cheek.

So while Ashton was suffering and worrying like hell about his cousin I was sleeping with his best friend. Suddenly the only thing I felt was guilt. On the other hand, he could have at least text me or given me some heads up instead of just leaving. I could have gone with him and supported him.

“I love you so much Alyce, don't even think that I don't because I do. You are the only girl I want to be with, ever” he gushed a few tears streaming down his face.

“We’ll talk later Ash. You need to get some fresh air and calm down before the show tonight” I advised kissing his forehead.

There wasn't anything else I could say to him. I didn't know what else  to say in all honesty. Unwillingly Ashton got up. Where he went next I didn't know, but I needed to find Luke.

Before finding Luke I called up the missing persons hotline to let them know that Ashton had returned home safely.

As soon as Ash was clear of the auditorium the blonde lad reappeared. I think he must have heard the whole conversation as he looked rather confused. He suggested we went somewhere a little bit more private to chat. 

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