*chapter twenty-three*

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I cannot believe that I am actually going to go and meet with Calum. Like seriously what could he possibly want with me other than to drum in the fact that I had cheated on Ashton.

Since Ashton and I were still not talking for obvious reasons and he had banned me from our apartment. So much so that to get clothes I had to send Mikey with a very detailed list on what I wanted to wear plus let him go through my underwear, hence the continuous lacy underwear. 

Luke and I, had continued to see each other and in the last few days we couldn’t have got any closer if we tried. Liz had offered  me to stay at their house but I didn't want to dig myself deeper in the cheating hole. Instead I had been staying at Mikey’s since the Ashton ordeal. His parents were still out of town so it was quite nice to not have those worries. I had gotten to know Mikey really well, so much so that he had started telling me about the girl he was talking to. She’s called L.P and is from the town over. 

Walking towards the Eventium where I was meeting the lad I started getting rather nervous. We had never had a proper conversation at band practice let alone ever been alone with each other. I knew nothing decent was going to coming from this meeting.

I spotted the tall boy leaning against the wall of the venue where the boys had their first gig little over a week ago. He wore black skinny jeans, black converse and a black t-shirt with the Nirvana logo. 

The expression on his face appeared less than impressed. His dark brown eyes were fixated on my approaching body. 

“I’m actually surprised you turned up” He snarled pushing himself off of the wall with his hands. 

Already I was hating this moment. He looked at me all smug and like I was a piece of meat on his plate. 

“Did I really have a choice?” I retorted standing in front of him and rolling my eyes.

He chuckled deviously before shaking his head. Calum was already standing way to close and it was slightly intimidating, not to mention his coarse voice. 

“So what do you want with me?” I asked getting rather impatient. 

His eyes locked on me and it was almost as if he was staring right into my soul. He became fixated on the necklace that was around my neck. This boy was starting to freak me out.

“I want you and Ashton to break up” He said bluntly.

I sighed and shook my head. This was what I came all way into town for? Something I already know? 

“And why would you want that? So you can have Ashton all to yourself?”  I teased.

Calum started to get frustrated and slapped my hand down from his cheek. I was noticing that he had a rather short temper fuse; this would most definitely come in handy at a later point.

“Or is it that you are jealous that he has a girlfriend and you couldn't get a pig?” I jibbed poking his shoulder pushing him back slightly.

His chest was puffing in and out heavily as he tried to compose himself. This was quite fun.

“Oh I know why you want us to break up…I’m a threat to your band…I get it bbz” I contemplated.

I watched as his anger hit boiling point. The veins in his neck becoming three dimensional and his lips forming into a pout. I’m pretty sure he was shaking slightly as he quivered in his black vans. I should have done this ages ago.

Aggressively he placed his hands on my shoulders as he dragged me through the door to Eventium. Obviously he didn't want to cause a scene on the street, he would most likely get some odd looks. 

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