*chapter twenty-four*

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Calum walked me back to Michael’s. I told him I was fine to walk there on my own but he insisted that it was the least he could do. My brain was fried. I didn't know what to think about anything. Calum had hated me for the last nine months or so thats what I thought but now he is telling me that my boyfriend had been cheating on me. How am I meant to believe that? Or tell me how I am believing that? I hadn't even spoken to Ashton since our fight yet I think I believe Calum. It would explain a lot.

I was beginning to think that Mikey would be growing tired of my crying; that was all I seemed to do around him. However he was incredibly happy at the moment with his own life, must be something to do with the girl he has been talking too.

Calum on principle had called Luke to tell him that he had just broken the news and he should get his ‘ass’ round to Michaels. I’m not sure how, but I found falling into Luke’s arms easy considering the circumstances.

“Is what Calum told me true, Luke? That you wanted to talk to me at that party?” I asked looking into the eyes of the boy whose lap I was on.

He managed to crack a smile even though it was slightly weak and he blushed a pink colour that totally took any punk rock away from him.

“Yeah, I can’t believe I couldn't just walk up and talk to you. You looked  so pretty and well you had loads of boys around you” He replied his baby blues gazing at the ground. 

Calum and Michael had gone down to the basement to play fifa and partly to give Luke and I some time to talk. We needed to talk and despite spending more or less every day together since Ashton disappeared to his ‘cousins’ we had never really discussed what was going on between us. 

Before he could say anything else, I pressed my lips gently against his. I had already cheated on Ashton so another kiss was hardly going to make a difference especially since he had been cheating on me since January. Oh my god. Ashton is a total hypocrite. 

Luke placed his hand affectionately on my neck as the kiss deepened. Leaning completely on his body I ran my hand through his hair clutching onto the blonde locks. 

“Wow” He gasped in between kisses.

We both pulled away and he placed a peck on my forehead as I relaxed against him; my head resting on the crook of his neck. Luke was absolutely amazing, but I still couldn't get the current events out of my head. 

“I’m sorry Alyce, I really am” Luke murmured into my hair.

The words that escaped Luke’s mouth made me sad yet also feel incredibly bad for Luke himself. He never meant for any of this to happen yet he was now ravelled in mine and Ashton’s series of drama. 

“Don’t be sorry Lukey, This is all of Ashton’s making. And if we hadn't off, you know had sex then the truth would never have come out. I just don’t know what I am going to say to him” I expressed staring at the ceiling.

I knew that I was going to have to speak to Ashton sooner or later. I just wanted to be totally prepared, I wanted to know all the answers to all of his lies so that I could catch him out and not look like a complete mug. 

Calum and Michael came back up about ten minutes later and sat on the sofa opposite. I was still getting used to this new Calum, or the real Calum as he called it. I can’t believe how blocked from the truth I had been. I thought Ashton was a decent person with real morals and that his friends were rude twats. I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Even though Calum had introduced Ashton to Destiny, the girl from the city, he didn't force Ashton into sleeping with her. And while one day of him being nice to me wasn't going to change the nine months he had been horrible, I could see myself trying to get over it. After all he was only looking out for a friend and I did admire his eventual honesty. If it hadn't of been for him who knows how long it would have been until I found. 

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