*chapter thirty*

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Another club, another set of drinks and another set of girls. ‘Benji’s’ was absolutely booming with drunk bodies beating the music. Girls are moving around like elastic from guy to guy. Lapping up as much attention as they can. Of course, once attached to me there was no escaping. 

I had barely been there thirty minutes when two girls started eyeing me up from outside the VIP area. I knew that I had to have them this side of the red barrier. Inviting them across to the table I had with Jack and his friend Alex they made themselves very comfy on my lap. I could see the looks of envy from my two friends. They would do anything to be in this position right now. 

“What’s your name?” I shouted above the music.

I had to repeat myself again as they were too interested in my body to take notice of what I was saying. Though having said, I don’t blame them.

“Trish” The blonde shouted sticking her tongue down my throat and pulling me into her. 

Fuck, this girl had a good booty, but it had nothing on Alyce’s. Oh the things I’d do to that. Don't even get me started on her lips. Perfect for certain things. And the girl who was with her, presumably her twin sister as they looked exactly the same. Though that could be the alcohol setting in. 

As the bass got heavy their dancing got heavier and sluttier.  Just how I like it. I knew I was leaving Benji’s with both of these two tonight. 

By midnight, all the ‘worldies’ were leaving and I knew it was time to get these two into my bed. Obviously they obliged and I took their hands leading them to the taxi that I had pre-booked. Tonight I was planning ahead. 

I gave the taxi driver a smirk, and gave him the address of the hotel as well as the money before things got too frisky in the car. I had the girl with the big lips on oneside, and her sister Melanie on the other side. This was perfect. 

Lippy’s hands attached themselves to my body as she slid them all over. Usually this would be the best part of the taxi ride home; having girls all over me. But tonight, every touch felt the same. Cold and lacking. What was going on. 

Of course I didn’t let the cold feelings get to me, but let them do whatever they felt necessary. I wasn't going to let that girl get into my head. Oh jesus her technique was on point compared to these nimrods. Had they even done this before?

So, when we finally arrived at the hotel I was glad to get out of the car. And now, any other guy who wasn't feeling this would tell the girls, but not Ashton. I was going to power through and conquer. This was just a pre-thought and as soon as one was on-top of me then it would be gone. 

“Hurry up slow coach” Lippy teased as she swayed her body from side to side.

Apparently she her sister had not inherited the bottom half, but she did have a stunning rack. Usually my eyes would already be undressing them but tonight my eyes were glued to the floor as I shuffled through the lobby into the elevator. 

The bell boy gave me a celebratory wink at the sight of tonights pulling. Anyone who worked here would wonder if I ever failed to pull, though obviously thats a silly assumption. I mean have you seen me? I’m not exactly common scum, more like a god. 

Both of the girl were full on in the elevator and for the first time tonight, I think I felt a spark. Lippy had found my sweet spot, half way up my neck. Previous to Alyce I never knew I had one, but she told me that every guy did and she spent the whole evening trying to find mine. That night was amazing…Though erm, i’m sure tonight was going to be even better. I mean look at them?

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