*chapter three*

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Chapter 3

I awoke 45 minutes early. Usually I hated waking up before my alarm but on this single occasion it actually turned out to be a godsend. It meant I did not have to talk to Ashton who was sleeping soundly next to me not even stirring when I got up.

The emotions from last night were still as raw as they were last night. I still felt let down and Ashton has pushed me one time too many, and consequently making me question our whole relationship.

Sometimes I wonder whether Ashton actually realizes how far away from home I really am and that the life I have with him is as close to family as I am going to get over here. I know his band is incredibly important to him and that music is his life but I just wonder how I manage to fit into it, I have tried so hard to become a part of his life but is it really worth it. Is he really worth it?

The thing is I'm not even mad at him. I guess I have just come to expect the lowest out of someone I thought the highest of.

Once out of the shower I got dressed into a plain black playsuit, wearing a bright floral print blazer over the top. I wore my favourite black ankle boots. To avoid waking Ashton up I dried my hair in our bathroom.

Today I didn't have any classes but I had picked up the early morning shift at work, breakfast is always the busiest with all the men and women commuting into Sydney city centre. Before leaving our apartment I scribbled a note for Ashton and left it on the kitchen island by the kettle. I don't even know why I bother doing it to be honest, I doubt he could care less where I was as long as he had no responsibility for me.

'You used to be the one true thing in my world. You told me you loved me. But you're in love with yourself. - Working early - Alyce'

After leaving that I left the apartment and made my way down the stairwell and out into the complex.

"Morning Alyce" Mrs. Harbor called as she walked past with her dog.

"Morning, have a nice day" I replied as I plugged my headphones in.

I wonder what would be on playlist first this morning. Oh of course. Of course it would be a song by Ashton's band. Almost automatically I skipped the song, changing to a nice, upbeat song by One Direction.

Compared to last night's walk back from work, this morning's walk was very nice and calm. The sun was already quite high in the sky and was warming my body nicely. I definitely loved this part of Australia compared to England.

Walking past the park I felt nothing but tranquility, I wasn't scared of what lurked beyond the metal gates instead I thought of the pond in the middle, with ducks and their little ducklings frolicking in the water. I'd love to be a duck, their lives seem so simple.

I know it time things will fall right, I just want to know if I am wasting my time waiting for things to fall into place with the wrong person. Sure Ashton was the right person a year ago, but I'm not sure anymore. It is crazy how wrong you can be about a person.

Due to waking up early, I was early into work as well. That meant I had time to compose myself before facing the hoard of people that would soon be bustling in. I placed my pink apron over my playsuit and clipped my name badge onto the front. I hung my blazer up in my locker and placed my bag in the too.

"Alyce can you run the tables for the first hour? And then come behind the till. Don't worry about clearing the tables, that will be sorted by James" Anne, my manager asked.

She was such a nice woman. Upon moving here she gave me the job without even reading my CV, telling me that my English accent was enough.

"Yeah sure, I haven't worked a morning in ages, is it still as busy?" I replied

She chuckled to herself as I picked a notepad and a pen from behind the till and got ready to serve customers.

"If anything it is even busier, there are customers already outside waiting to come in"


The first hour might just have been the most hectic I have ever worked. Only an hour in and I already needed a sit down and a coffee. However I was now going on the tills and that was my favourite part of this job, I loved greeting the customers.

Conversely, I did not enjoy the site I had just seen.

Three boys were walking my way. Three tall boys in skinny jeans and band tee's. Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood and Michael Clifford. The lord was truly testing me.

"Oi Ashtons chick, I'll have a strawberry milkshake" Calum, the darker of the boys sarcastically demanded. When I first met him I thought he was Asian.

"That will be $1.50" I replied through my teeth holding my hand out for the payment.

He looked utterly disgusted.

"And what makes you think my order was finished?" he smirked

Pressing a few buttons on the till to cancel the order to re-submit it, I then went on to ask him what else he would like.

"So what else would you like?" I asked

"Just a strawberry milkshake" He laughed, causing the other boys to burst into fits of laughter. Seriously? It wasn't even that funny.

Once again I held my hand out for the payment, before putting it in the till. As the boys walked away I heard Luke mutter something under his breath.

Did it sound like what I thought he said? No? It couldn't be? It wouldn't be like that? Ashton wouldn't do that?

"What did you say Hemmings?" I pressed running from the till to catch up with them.

He looked embarrassed that I had heard what he thought was a quiet word between his friends. Exchanging a look with Mikey, who nodded to him.

"I said..." He spoke before clearing his throat. "No wonder Ashton cheated on you" followed by a smile as he walked away.

Hey guys! I am so sorry for the late update, i have been busy with A-Levels but i promise to update more regularly once they are over!


OMG i saw the boys last night at the Etihad Stadium! They were incredible! If anyone wants to see some pictures, let me know :)

Opinions of the chapter would be great, what do you think of Calum's attitude towards Alyce, Luke breaking 'news' to her. Was Mikey 'egging' Luke on to tell her, or was he actually trying to protect her?

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