*chapter nineteen*

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- A l y c e -

I shuffled out of the elevator half asleep and made my way to my apartment. The gig was insane, they all did amazing and really had the crowd going. I’m so proud of all of them, even Calum. Luke was very nervous to start with but eventually settled down and rocked out with his three best friends. I stood in the wings; like I promised to Luke. I could see Lorde from where I stood, she looked like she was going to pass out as soon as they stepped foot on stage.

Just as I was about to turn the key to open the door it flung open with a groggy Ashton stood in the doorway in nothing but boxers. His face was extremely straight not even showing any sort of emotion. I walked through the door before he slammed it shut. The crash of the door hitting the frame echoed around the kitchen and living room and probably woke up both set of neighbours.

“Where the fuck have you been?!” He stormed as I sat down on the sofa.

I had, like planned with Luke stayed at his overnight so I could get my thoughts together and so I could eat Liz’s famous fry up breakfast that her three son’s raved about the night I went to theirs for dinner. 

“I stayed at Lukes, what about you?” I retorted sarcastically shutting my eyes for a brief moment.

Nothing happened between Luke and I, except some harmless cuddling and spooning. He had offered to sleep on the floor which I thought was really sweet of him. Ben even offered me his bed but respectfully I declined and said I’d just share with Luke. 

Ashton’s face automatically got harsher at the mention of Luke. I’m not sure whether he was aware that Luke had spent the majority of the last five days at our apartment looking after me, though in all honesty it wasn't any of his business since he failed to let me know where he had gone. Cousin emergency or not; he could have at least told me.

“Why the fuck did you stay at his?” His voice roared, scaring me slightly.

After the gig when Ashton, Calum and Michael hit up some club or bar. Luke and I returned to his house. He was very careful not to make an obvious move on me, however when he didn't automatically grab my hand I was slightly disappointed. Eventually he did take my hand, but that was only after I deliberately brushed my knuckles against his.

“Because Liz asked if I’d like to” I replied rolling my eyes at him. 

Lie. She didn't ask me anything, except whether I’d like orange or apple juice with breakfast. Oh she did ask me if I was okay to share Luke’s room. The answer to that was obviously yes. I think she quite likes the idea of me being Luke’s girlfriend.

“Why didn't you tell me. I expect to come home and cuddle and maybe a little more” Ashton angrily smirked sitting down on the sofa opposite me.

The thought of sleeping with Ashton in the bed where I had the night of my life with his best friend made me cringe. The sheets hadn’t even been changed yet, however the thought of having sex with Ashton also made me uncomfortable, especially as i’m still not 100% where he went.

“Why didn't you tell me that you were going to your cousins? Ash, it’s a two way stream” I snapped back closing my eyes and lying down on the sofa.

You go girl. I think I have possibly just cornered Ashton Irwin. He can either drop this subject; I will have won or he will argue his way out telling me how it is different in which case I know I will have won. Either way, it will be one point to Alyce.

I opened my eyes quickly to see his whereabouts. He was still sat opposite me and looked very deep in thought. Despite all my arguing with him it still didn't take anything away from the fact that I have cheated on him; with his best friend. And while I don't feel terrible yet, I know I will soon. 

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