*chapter thirty-six*

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Luke and I had not spoken for the rest of that evening and in the morning things weren't much better. He ignored me at breakfast and before I had even showered he was out the door. He said he needed ‘time’. 

The worst part about this silent treatment from Mr. Hemmings was that I was not entirely sure what he was annoyed at. Was it that I had seen Ashton or that I could be moving?

Calum had text me asking if I wanted to go out and get a drink, I replied saying that I wanted to see him but that he should come over to mine. Straight away he said he was on his way. I was really enjoying getting to know Calum and kill me for saying this, but I think I am becoming closer to him than I am Mikey. It never fails to amaze me how you can be so wrong about a person. 

I went back into my room and chucked on some comfy clothes and today I couldn't be bothered with make up. To annoy Calum even more I wore my Arsenal shirt with my leggings. 

As I walked back to the living room the buzzer went off and therefore I knew Cal was down stairs. I buzzed him in and opened the door so that he could walk in when he got up. Waiting for his arrival I poured out two cans of beer into glasses and left them on the side. 

Just as I finished pouring the beer, the tall lad walked through the door.

“Alright Ramos” He winked giving me a hug and picking up one of the glasses. His eyes gazed to the shirt I was wearing and immediately he gave a loud tut.

“You love it really” I laughed back as I sat down at the kitchen Island. 

Calum pulled up one of the stools on the other side and sat too. His large frame doing its best to balance on the little stools. He was looking rather handsome today. His hair was incredibly messy, sort of a bed head look but he smelt amazing. Damn Calum.

“How’s the love life. Nice sunrise with Ashton I hear” He hinted drinking his beer.

I gawked at the boy nearly choking on the fosters I was drinking. He only laughed in response.

“How?” I replied looking at him with suspicious eyes.

He cocked his head as if to say ‘what do you think’. Of course Ashton told him. He thinks they are best friends, well they sorta are still best friends. Despite the fact that Cal basically pitted Ash and Luke against each other.

“It was actually really sweet. I was stunned that he even remembered and had the piece of paper I wrote it down on” I smiled thinking back to the beautiful sunrise yesterday.

It was a gorgeous sight, and in all honesty I am glad I went. Not just to see Ashton, but also because it was something I wanted to do while here. Now I just needed to find Nemo and hold a baby crocodile. No pressure. 

I knew Calum was watching me reminisce my morning with my ex boyfriend. But who cares.

“Yeah when he told me I was like she’s gonna love that. But, Luke. Obviously he’s not going to like it. I think it made Ashton want to do it even more. I’ve never seen him so competitive” Calum chuckled slamming the empty glass down on the table.

“Well, I actually haven't had a proper conversation with Luke since I told him about my job offer in London. I hated telling him and seeing his face get all sad. Obviously if he’s going to be seriously upset about it then I don't really want to except it” I expressed thinking back to Luke’s reaction. 

Here I was thinking about how amazing a job could be when I was missing the reaction of the boy I loved right in front of me. I knew deep down Luke would be happy for me, but he was insecure. If I left for London what would happen to us? Sometimes I think Luke wonders if I actually like him or whether i’m just with him for pity. 

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