*chapter thirty-seven*

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Dear Miss A Ramos,

Congratulations of receiving the offer to work and study under my leadership in London, England. I have booked all of your travel back to the United Kingdom and have taken the liberty to book you into a hotel room in Sydney before your flight to LAX and then to London Heathrow. This way you will be fully relaxed once you arrive. 

The total air time is 22hr 34m, with a 3hr stop in LAX. You will be flying with British Airways, first class all the way. 

I look forward to meeting you in person as I must say I was very impressed with your essay titled ‘Star of Empire: A Study of Britain as a World Super Power, 1485-1945’. It was a real eye opener to your potential and I know you are going to fit right in at the Australian Embassy in the United Kingdom. 

Yours Faithfully

River. E. Williams

Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom 


I read the letter over and over again. This was literally my dream. I ran my finger of the wax seal on the envelope as well as looked at the dates on the tickets. September 7th. That was less than two weeks. In fact it was eight days. How was I meant to say goodbye to everyone in eight days.

The first people I wanted to tell were L.P and Cal, I knew she was going to be excited. Since it was still rather early I sent her a text.

To: Laurel-Phoenix, Cal Hood

FML London’s calling - 8 days. Just got my flight tickets :D 

Picking up the rest of the post from the box in the lobby I proceeded back up to my room where my boyfriend was still snoozing. Telling Luke was going to be hard. He had only just got used to the fact that I was leaving, now to tell him we only had a week left? 

I knew of course I had to tell Ashton and Michael, though L.P had probably already done the latter. My mum was over the moon that I was going to be coming home, I had skyped with her and my brother a few days ago and I couldn't wait to see them. While I wouldn't be living with them, I wouldn't be too far away.

Because I was now officially a junior member of the U.N they were paying for all of my accommodation and once I got to London I just had to pick the apartment that I felt was right for me and then they would set up all the payment. And since this was a job too, they would be paying me for learning. It was more than I could have ever dreamed of.

Shuffling into our bedroom, Luke had sat up and was scrolling through his phone until I decided it was an appropriate time to jump on his lap.

“Morning sleepy” I murmured into his neck as his embraced myewarmly.

His naked chest was incredibly warm from being tucked under the covers all night and his hair was floppy. Morning Luke was beautiful. 

“I got my letter Lukey” I whispered as he placed a sloppy kiss on the top of my neck. 

I shuffled down so he was more or less cradling me. I got the letter out and showed him. I knew he was pretending to be more excited than he actually was when he gasped and took it out of my hand.

“I’m so proud of you” He smiled kissing my forehead.

I watched as his eyes read the letter. His mouth slowly reading each word in his head. Suddenly he stopped.

“8 Days?” He pouted, taken back by the words he had just read.

Slowly I nodded my head. Without saying anything he dropped the letter onto my side of the better and cuddled me tighter and tighter. I knew this was easy for him, and he was doing his best to be happy for me. 

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