*chapter twenty-five*

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*disclaimer - I do not condone nor support the actions of the characters within this chapter. Nor do I believe this to be an accurate description of the 5sos boys personalities. It is purely fiction and they are the basis of a character. 



Rage was running through my blood and it was pumping quickly around  my body. I hadn't felt like this in a while and I knew that somehow this anger was going to have to be taken out on something, or someone. 

Since Calum was now unusually unavailable, I had no choice but to go to Mikey’s. Sure he wasn't half as great at Cal but he would do. 

I stormed up to the front door and hit the black door three or four times before  my douchebag friend finally opened it. Over cautiously he let me in after a few seconds of awkward staring. 

As soon as I walked through the door I could smell a very familiar smell, a smell I knew all to well. Vera Wang Princess. How dare she. How dare they. What was this? Gang up on Ashton day. I swear to god, Calum was the only friend I truly had. Luke spent half his time fucking my girlfriend and Michael was more or less irrelevant. He was the ‘Cal’s not around so I’ll hang out with you’ friend. 

Even angrier before I thrashed my way through the corridor following the perfume. Sure enough I passed her pink converse, her studded tie-dye denim jacket and her black leather rucksack. Alyce was here. 

“Dude, I’m sorry” Michael burst out just as I got to the kitchen door. 

I was guessing that Alyce and most likely Luke were behind that door.

Crashing through the oak door, I was greeted by not only Luke and her, but also my best friend. Now I was confused. Calum hates Alyce with a passion and also hates Luke. Why the hell was he here too? More importantly what had he said. 

“Oh so now you are not only fucking my friends, but you’re-“ I smirked all so angry before I felt the sudden impact of a fist against my jaw.

I wiggled my jaw to crack the pain as I opened my eyes to see Luke’s slightly taller frame standing a few inches away from mine with an increasingly angry face. Oh wow.

With all the might in the world I brought my curled fist back and launched it against is cheek; catching the bridge of his nose too. Hearing the crackle of the bone I pulled my fist back again and hurled it towards him. I could hear him groan in pain as I repeatedly hit him before the skin became softer and softer. Blocking out all the screams and shrieks from anything else, I focused on his blue eyes until they suddenly became green. 

The tanned skin became paler and the hair became dark brown. It wasn't until the second throw that I noticed that the subject had become shorter. Oh shit. 

Subtle cries and sniffs escaped from the person in front of me. 

“I’m so sorry” I wailed realising that it was no longer Luke I was hitting. 

She broke to a tear as blood trickled down her nose. What the hell had I just done. 

“You are an absolute bell end” A voice roared standing in front of Alyce as she pinched her nose.

“Get off me you fucking twat” I screamed pushing my best friends grip from around me. 

Calum’s hand tightly grabbing at my neck and t-shirt as he attempted to pull me down to the ground. He wasn't budging and neither was I.

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