*chapter thirty-three*

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“Did you call him? Mikey’s just coming over now!” Calum asked as he reappeared in the living room. 

I looked at the olive skinned boy with admiration. There was something about him that I truly loved. In a best friend type of way. Sure we had a flirty friendship, but it was purely friendship. After all I had Luke and I not prepared to let anything jeopardise that.

“Yeah, he’s coming over” I replied sipping at my beer. 

Calum had put more burgers on the bbq as well as some hotdogs, mainly because he knew when they boys were round they would eat everything. 

“You know, Arsenal just got lucky” He reasoned as we stood in his living room watching the post match highlights.

Giroud’s first half goal was incredible. Okay it was slightly on the lucky side but still it went in and helped Arsenal win the match. 

“Yeah okay Calum” I winked back gently punching his arm. 

He jokingly pouted his lip and pretended to cry before I hit him even harder to make him stop. I was really enjoying this. 

We were just about to get some food when we noticed a car pull up outside his house. This was it. A pair of scruffy boots stepped out of the car and a weekend bag clutched in his hand as he closed the door and locked the car. 

I turned around from the window praying that it wasn’t, but it was. I didn’t think he would get here this quick. Calum rubbed my arm for support as he went to open the front door. 

I heard the door click open and heavy footsteps come through, followed by the ‘dumping’ of his bag. 

“Ducky” He deeply breathed as I spun around. 

There he stood. Ashton Irwin. Bandana in his hair, little bit of stubble, ripped denim jeans, black vest top and black denim gilet. I took a long breath as he stood before me. He looked rough, I won’t lie. 

“Hi” I managed to break out standing very close to Calum. 

Emotions of hatred and anger were pulsating around my body and Calum was doing his best to keep me still and refrain me from decking the tall lad there and then. I managed to keep cool.

“We should talk?” Ashton asked, though it came out more as a demand. His voice was unusually calm but I could tell that this was hard for him. I nodded. It was the right thing to do, and despite not wanting to, I needed to hear his side of the story. 

Calum left us alone in the living room to talk. However I knew he was only in the corridor and would most likely be listening in on the coversation. I sat down on the seat I had watched the football from and Ash sat opposite me where Calum had been sitting. He hardly relaxed, sitting upright leaning on his knees. I mirrored his body language but I couldn't quite put my finger on his exact stance. 

“I don’t even know where to begin-“ He started.

“Start at the beginning Ash. I want to know everything” I bluntly remarked.

He seemed reluctant to start at the beginning, probably because he knew it would hurt me. But I swear nothing could hurt me more than if he lied even more. I was done with his lying. I needed to know the truth. 

Ashton tried to reason out of starting at the beginning, saying the only thing that mattered was the ending. I corrected him telling him that it mattered to me. He went on to talk about how he met Destiny. Calum had introduced them as she was a mutual of his ex girlfriend Elle. They had been on a few nights out but it had always been platonic and originally he had never intended for anything to happen. However it did. 

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