*chapter seventeen*

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"Lukey are you up?" I murmured into the shoulder of the blonde lad that was asleep next to me.

As I softly spoke his arm that laid over my naked back and pulled me slightly closer, not that I could really get closer. We were facing each other which was a nice way to fall asleep.

"Lukey it's your gig today" I said groggily.

With one swift movement he pulled me on top of his chest, the covers stretching over our bare bodies. Luke only had one eye opened as he adjusted to the brightness of the sun shining through the blinds. Bringing both his hands up, one to shield the sunlight from his eyes and the other to affectionately place on my cheek.

A grin soon wiped across his face as the words I had just spoken tuned into his mind. His hair was all over the place and not perfectly styled into a quiff. I have to admit, bed head Luke was beautiful.

"Yaaaay" he croaked puckering his lips and pressing them against my forehead.

As his lips met my forehead I closed my eyes. The only sound I could here was the smooch of his tender lips and the slight calling of birds outside the apartment.

I shuffled my body up so I could rest my head on Luke's shoulder. The body heat between us was really warm; I never wanted to move. I honestly could have stayed in that position all day.

"Lukey Lukey loo" I chimed placing kisses along his jawline.

Both of his hands shimmied down my back before resting on my hips. His delicate touches sending pulses throughout my body.

"What do you want for breakfast" He yawned before kissing my temple.

Considering two weeks ago we hated each other guts, our relationship has become rather affectionate and since going to his mothers for dinner last night it had become stronger and been taken to the next level.

"I'll have whatever" I replied kissing his lips as I rolled off his front and proceeded to get out of bed.

Both of reached for our clothes that were thrown across the carpet. Keeping the duvet around my top half as I dived my arm down to pick up Luke's sweater that I had been wearing last night and some underwear that was also on the floor. I pulled the black sweater over my head and stepped into the black lace knickers. The cosy sweater covered the legs to mid thigh and was way long in the arms but at least it smelt nice.

Looking over to the blonde boy, he had put on some trackies that he had brought over last night. I think he was searching for a top but ultimately gave up. Our eyes connected as I watched him in deep thought.

He reached his hand out signalling for me to walk around and grab it. Shifting my weight from the bed I stood up and shuffled around to Luke. Instead of taking my hand he swung his arm around my shoulder.

"Well I'm not a very good cook, but I make a mean bowl of cheerios" He chuckled winking at me.

At least he offered to make breakfast I thought, casting my mind back to the last time Ashton made me breakfast.

"That's sound with me" I replied as I sat myself on one of the stools by the kitchen island.

I watched Luke as he found the bowls and the cereal. The muscles in his back moving as he moved. It really was a sight. Now he wasn't ripped and he told me himself that he hated the gym, but he was in good shape.

After pouring the milk on the cereal he placed the bowl in front of my while he stood against the counters to eat his. The crunching of the cheerios was the major sound that came from both of us.

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