*chapter thirteen*

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Did you know that the human body has over 100 emotions? In this very moment, I would say I am feeling 75% of them.

I'm angry at Ashton for leaving yet relaxed in Luke's arms which can't be a good thing. I want to to burst into tears but at the same time I feel as if a burden has been lifted from my shoulders but at the same time I am worried sick.

I stare at the digital clock on the cooker, watching every digit change. The time was 7:09pm. Ashton left at 12:45pm. He had not replied to any messages, his phone had not come back on and Luke (and the other boys) had not heard from him.

"He'll be fine little one" Luke reassured me once again as he stood up to go and make me a cup of tea.

Even though Ashton is 20, I was still incredibly worried about him. He couldn't go to sleep without having a super special cuddle and a kiss, even when we had argued he tells me that he kisses me once I've fallen asleep. There is no way he would be able to stay out alone. He hadn't gone to his mums because Luke rang her, she hadn't heard from him either.

"Mmm yeah" I replied not really interested in the statement he made. Ashton wouldn't be fine. He is like a little puppy, he's my little puppy. My froggy.

Getting up from the sofa and walking into the kitchen to stand with Luke, the height difference very apparent. But I have to admit I did love his height. I felt so small next to him. He was leant against the counter, I jumped up on the kitchen island mainly because I didn't have the energy to stand. He looked at me with a very apologetic look. He knew I was hurting, he knew I was worried and he also knew he couldn't really do anything about it.

He passed me the hot cup of peppermint tea. It was my favourite drink and it always relaxed me. Lukey looked as if he was going to say something but quickly recalled it. He took out his phone and started scrolling through twitter (I guessed). It must have been, he started chuckling to himself. His laugh was so sweet but had nothing on Ashton's. Ash had about 20 different laughs.

"I'm sorry little one, I know it's hard but he'll be back" Luke smiled engulfing me into a hug as I sat on the counter.

"How do you know though?" I asked leaning my head onto his chest and tapping my fingers softly on his back.

I felt his head lean on mine and his hands lock together as they rested on my back. Luke oddly enough had this weird aura, it was almost as if his voice could take any bad emotions from your body.

"Because, he loves you. He wouldn't leave a girl as beautiful as you alone, It's horrible but he probably just needs some Ashton time. He'll have to come back because he'll want to cuddle you and treat you like the princess you are" he spoke.

I didn't know what to say in response to that, was Lukey hitting on me? Maybe. Did I enjoy it, Maybe. Did I want Ashton back, Yes.

Luke unwrapped his arms from around my body so he could sit down on the floor of the kitchen; his back against the cupboard.

Sipping at my tea there was a knock at the door. My heart started to pound in my chest. I knew he would be back. I knew he couldn't leave totally. Placing my mug down onto the side I jumped down and ran towards the door. I stopped in front and composed myself; I wanted him to know I had been worried however I wanted to let him know I was also annoyed at him.

I stood in front of the door to compose myself before slowly opening it.

Ultimately all my hopes were smashed within a few seconds. He wasn't there, only a dork with green hair. He had a smile wiped across his face. Obviously he hadn't got the memo that Ashton had left, but then again maybe that was why he was smiling.

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