*chapter seven*

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What could Luke possibly have to say to me? Apart from, wow you looked hot in a bra? I couldn't imagine anything remotely sensible or heart felt coming out of his immature mouth. Mostly the only things coming out his mouth were insults.

"Um, sure?" I replied slightly hesitant to Luke's request to talk to me.

He looked nervous. I just stood there waiting for him to say whatever he intended too. He didn't speak. He looked at the floor, but he didn't speak.

"So...?" I pressed.

His eyes flicked to the bedroom door repeatedly. A private chat? From Luke Hemmings? Jesus this was getting interesting. Not only did the boy have something to say to me, he also wanted it to be in private. Maybe he was going to apologise for his actions? Nah probably not. It is Luke Hemmings after all.

Obeying his request I led him to the bedroom. I never thought i'd lead Luke to the bedroom, thats for sure. Honestly, hand on heart, I have never seen this side of Luke. Usually he is so damn confident and I can't imagine the dirty things he has done with that sharp tongue of his. But for some reason, for the first time I totally felt like I was dominating this situation.

"Shoot" I smiled perching on the end of mine and Ashton's bed. Luke paced on front of the bed, rubbing his hands together.

Still the lad didn't say anything, only stuttering something under his breath.

"Oh for gods sake Hemmings, just spit it out?" I sighed slightly moodily.

His hand made it way into that thick blonde hair of his. He started pulling at the roots gently, but frustratedly. I could tell he was playing with that lip ring of his as he bit down on his bottom lip.

"Look Luke, Ashton is going to wonder where we are as soon as he gets off the phone, and do you really want to explain why we are in the bedroom together?" I snapped getting frustrated by his lack of words.

I thought my statement might provoke some words out of the boy that paced in front of me. Nope nothing. Why would he ask to speak to me, then not say anything? Maybe he is just messing with me? That sounds more like Luke Hemmings. Calum probably put him up to this.

Getting off my bed and walking towards the door I felt a hand grip my wrist pulling me back. Pulling me back in front of him I noticed how blue his eyes were. He looked directly into my eyes. Okay, so his confidence is back, thats for sure.

"I like you" He smirked biting the corner of his lip.

Oh wow you have to be kidding me. I refuse to believe that Calum Hood has not had anything to do with this. It wouldn't surprise me if Luke had some sort of camera in here that was live streaming straight to Calum, hoping that I would say something to remotely suggest I was interested in Luke, therefore ending my relationship with Ashton.

"How old do you think I am Luke? Calum put you up to this" I snarked back.

He was going have to be smarter than that to get something out of me.

"What? Calum didn't...what? I swear...I like you" He said back jumping his words from sentence to sentence.

Oh sweet Lucas. I was not born yesterday.

"Don't lie, you hate me. You, Calum and Michael HATE me, you have done ever since I 'stole' Ashton away from you. Seriously, it's pathetic. And telling me he cheated on me? If you think i'd give up on my relationship with him that easily you have another thing coming." I informed the giant that stood before me.

He looked taken back, he looked confused. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"B-b-but...I... W-wasn't. I don't? I d-don't hate you? I like you?...I r-r-really like you?" He babbled stuttering on the occasional word.

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