*chapter six*

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What Calum and Luke had said to me still burnt through my brain. I didn't care what so ever that they didn't like me, but the fact that Calum blatantly called me ugly right in front of my face. I suspect he only said it to get under my skin and I would hate him to discover that it had got under my skin.

On the other hand Ashton had told me he was in love with me. The thought of his words still sends my tummy into a mass of butterflies. I loved Calum and Luke's faces when he told me, they looked like they had just seen a ghost. If only if the ghost was one of theirs. Oh come on now Alyce dont be mean.

"I really liked that song you were working on yesterday Ash, i wasn't lying it did sound good!" I smiled as we made breakfast together. Calum and Luke had gone home about 8am thank god.

Ashton's hair was all messy and unusually not held back in a bandana. I suppose it was early and he was hungry and everyone knows that when Ash is hungry his top priority is to get food which usually consists of vegemite on toast. That yeast extract is the most vile thing I have ever been forced to eat! (yes forced). I don't like marmite from back in England but Ashton was determined to get me to enjoy vegemite. It failed.

"Rejects? Thanks buttercup!" He replied flipping a pancake in the frying pan.

I had had one line from that song stock in my head since I heard it 'And my girlfriend said, I messed up, will I ever grow up?' It really stood out to me, for obvious reasons. Despite everything that had happened between us (which we really need to talk about) I have been willing to let it slide over. I do love Ashton, and I do want to be with him.

"I think so, the one with the amazing intro? All the guitars and drumming? It's really punk for you boys, kinda like sum41. However my favourite ever Five Seconds of Summer song will always be Disconnected . Ash your vocals in that are gorgeous" I responded sitting down at the table in the kitchen with a glass of orange juice.

Once the pancakes had finished cooking he placed a stack of them on a plate and melted some butter on the top. Ash then proceeded to sit down opposite me.

"Not as gorgeous as you" he smiled cheekily as he put a pancake on my plate.

Ever the charmer. These are the things I love about Ashton. When he isn't with the boys he makes me feel special and safe. He compliments me, and i know that compliments arent anything but food for the ego, Ashton still does. Come to think of it, he is the perfect boyfriend when there aren't any interventions from the boys. However I am not saying I dont want the boys in his life, I do, I really do. Without the band Ashton would have no drive. The band is a huge part of his life, and he will be really successful with it.

We sat there for a moment just enjoying each others company. I could tell his eyes were struggling to stay open and i couldn't blame him. After all he did stay up till near 4am playing video games and chatting with the boys. I had left them after we ate pizza which was around midnight, of course Ashton begged me to stay with them but I didn't want to, not because I didn't want to be with my boyfriend but because the boys did deserve to spend the evening with their best friend.

"So what do you feel like doing today?" he asked cleaning up the table and putting the plates into the dishwasher.

"Um, we could I dunno make cookies?" I suggested laughing at the thought of Ashton baking.

He always fancied himself a baker. Ashton thought he was amazing at cooking. Lets be honest though, cereal and instant pasta doesn't really contribute to being a chef.

"I love that idea, you have a shower and stuff and i'll pop to the shops to get some flour and chocolate chips" He smiled kissing my forehead.


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