*chapter four*

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This is stupid. Why should I believe Ashton's friends who have hated me since they met me when they tell me that he has cheated on me? They would do anything to get rid of me. They despised that I took Ashton's attention off of them, god they are so needy and obviously delusional if they think I get half of Ashton's attention that they get.

I looked at the boys as they walked away from me, Luke and Calum had smiles plastered across their faces, but unusually Mikey actually looked concerned though probably not anything to do with me; most likely wondering whether he saved his Mario kart game.

Despite this 'apparent' news I still had 2 hours of work left, and I was determined to not let it get to me as for all I know they could have been lying. Luke had particularly always taken a dislike to me taking any opportunity to bring me down, Calum cunningly showed his hatred for myself with sarcastic jibs and comments where as Mikey just generally didn't even show an interest in anything to do with me.


All kind of thoughts were running around my already crammed head. I knew earlier on I was denying that Ashton had cheated on me; that it was all part of his bandmates plan to get rid of me, but the reality that he could be seeing someone else was starting to sink in.

Was she prettier than me, skinnier, taller? Did she have nicer eyes or better banter? Or was she smarter?

Maybe I just wasn't good enough anymore? I know ever since Cal and Elle broke up he had it hard being the only guy in the band with a girlfriend, he craved the single life but still enjoyed being able to jump into bed with me at the end of the night.

Perhaps he never loved me? He just didn't want to be alone? Or maybe I was only good enough to feed his ego? Because surely Ashton wouldn't destroy the people he loved?

With my shift nearly over I had not heard from Ashton at all. I knew he would be at home because Five Seconds of Summer were practicing at our place tonight. Oh the joys. And as usual I expected Luke and Calum to be staying over (usually Mikey did too, but I remember Ash saying he had prior commitments) the worst part was not having them there; it was knowing that Ashton could be keeping something very big from me, something that the boys knew. I hated anyone but Ashton and I knowing our relationship problem and especially Ashton's bumbling band of fucktards.

I never had a problem with them rehearsing at ours, I actually did like their sound and at the end of the night, once the boys had either gone home or crashed out on the sofa to begin watching a movie Ashton would grab a guitar and sing me a little song, usually Everything I Didn't Say, as that is my favourite. Granted Ashton wasn't nearly as good as Luke on the guitar (I would never admit that to the cocky bastard however) but it made me feel so special. I tried not to interrupt their evenings mostly because I knew I would get stick from the boys or get insulted to hell.

Part of me really wanted to see if Ashton would say anything or whether he would remain silted about his reported bedroom antics.

Either way my shift was now over and it was time to go home. I hung up my apron in my locker and took my name badge off. The café was still busy so I can't say I wasn't happy to be leaving. I said goodbye to Anne and the rest of the staff before making my way home.

"Ash, I'm home!" I called as I walked through the door of our apartment.

I could already hear the crashing of drums and the strumming of the guitars; it was so loud I am pretty sure the neighbors would be able to hear it. I hadn't heard this song before and as much as I hate to admit it, it sounded pretty good. The song must be one of the ones that they wrote last night when Ash failed to pick me up.

Instead of interrupting their session I bypassed the living room and went straight into our bedroom where I changed out of my playsuit into some of Ash's lounge shorts and 5SOS tank top on. I knew I had the day off tomorrow but I didn't want to spend it doing a law essay so that was what I preceded to do. Chucking my text book and laptop onto our bed I stacked the pillows up against the back board so I could sit comfortably.

Law had always been my favourite subject ever since GCSE's in England. My teacher told me I was a natural; my area of interest was 'International Law' (hence the transfer from Oxford to Sydney) and that was what I was studying this year in university. The first year was an introduction to law which covered all the big areas of Law but this year we were able to pick a major area and a minor area. For the latter I had picked corporate law which my lecturer advised me to study as it went well with International Law. My dream job would be being the English ambassador to Australia or a member of the UN, failing that I'd love to be involved in political law.

Typing away at my laptop all about how the human rights are protected within the international system, I heard a knock at the door followed by Ashton barging through the door. His hair messily pulled back in a bandana dressed in skinny jeans and a band vest top. He had beads of sweat on his brow, I could tell he had been drumming hard.

"Why didn't you come into say hi?" He asked coming towards the bed.

He looked like a cute little puppy as he made himself comfy next to me; leaning his head on my shoulder as he read my essay. He didn't understand any of the terminology I could tell by the way his face screwed up. It made me chuckle, even though I so desperately wanted to be angry at him.

"I didn't want to disturb you, and besides I had this essay to write. I could hear you guys though, you sounded really good." I smiled as I typed my name at the bottom of the essay with the word count of 5389.

"Oh. It must be a really good essay because I don't understand anything. Thanks babe, you want to order pizza? Mikey has just left and we are getting hungry" He replied his eyes getting bigger.

Thinking of it, I was hungry and pizza did sound good. I closed the lid of my laptop and gently kissed his cheek. We sat there for a moment. Just a moment. Before getting up. His hand slipped into mine as we walked into the living room. Calum and Luke had already made themselves at home. As usual they didn't look at me.

This would be the perfect time to ask Ashton about these cheating allegations. In front of the boys who told me, I made sure I was facing them so I could see their reactions.

"Ash, before we order pizza can I ask you something? It's just something I heard and I want to clear it up" I started as he stood in front of me.

"Yeah sure ducky, what's up?" He responded.

I smiled at the mention of my nickname. It had originated from a skype call we did with my mum a while back. When I was younger I had always wanted to be duck. Yes a duck that people feed bread to. I was six, don't ask. Ever since he had often called me that. In response I would name him froggy, since he hated them.

"Have you er been seeing someone else at the same time as seeing me like another girl? I mean...are you...have you cheated on me with someone else?" I finally managed to blurt out. Not my finest moment.

His face dropped. His eyes got bigger. He grabbed my hands swiftly holding them against his heart. I could feel the beat of his heart getting quicker. Gently he pulled me closer.

"Who told you this?" he asked.

I looked over to the boys who sat there observing this conversation. For the first time I had one over on them. I could tell Ashton that they told me, either he would be angry at them for keeping what was a secret or telling me something that wasn't true. The outcome of both would not be good.

"It doesn't matter, just answer it?" I pressed. Luke and Calum both looked relieved.

At this point I didn't know whether I wanted the answer to be yes or no. If he said yes I would finally have an excuse to end relationship but I was hoping the answer was no. No matter which way I looked at this relationship, I love him.

"Look Alyce, we have our problems, I'm not the best boyfriend and you deserve so much better than me. I let you down all the time I know that, but I would never, I repeat never cheat on you. You're the only girl I can look at and you're the only person I want to be with."


A/N - Thankyou for reading chapter four, i am having such fun writing this!

Is Ashton telling the truth? Are Luke and Calum hiding something? and most importantly, which celeb do you picture Alyce as?

Also, will be looking for a new character to be in this story very soon...hint hint ;) The winner will be the person who spreads the word of this story the most...need to boost the views ;)

BTW the picture on the side is how i picture Ashton in this story, definitley Bandana Boy with a hint of bad boy and a dash of charming.

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